Fonts are lost after round-trips with Aspose.PSD


We are processings TwoFonts.psd from the archive below using Aspose.PSD 20.5.0 and the following code:

using (var image = Image.Load(filePath))
    var psdImage = (PsdImage) image;
    var layers = psdImage.Layers;
    var textLayer = layers.First(layer => layer is TextLayer) as TextLayer;


    psdImage.Save(targetFilePath, new PsdOptions(psdImage));

using (var image = Image.Load(targetFilePath))
    var psdImage = (PsdImage) image;
    var layers = psdImage.Layers;
    var textLayer = layers.First(layer => layer is TextLayer) as TextLayer;

    // textLayer.TextData - has two portions with the same FontIndex

    psdImage.Save(targetFilePath + ".second.psd", new PsdOptions(psdImage));
    // one of the fonts is lost in the second target file

As marked by the comments:

  • when we reopen the file saved by Aspose.PSD the two portions in TextData will have the same FontIndex
  • after saving the file for the second time, all text has the same font in Photoshop

Note that the first target file looks good in Photoshop (has both fonts). (18.9 KB)



We have created an issue with ID PSDNET-680 to further investigate the reported issue. W e will share the feedback with you as soon as the issue will be addressed.

Hi. This is getting important on our side. Do you have any updates?


I regret to share that at present the issue is unresolved. We request for your patience and will share feedback with you once issue will be fixed.

Confirming that this still hasn’t been resolved in 20.8.0. Is there any progress on it? Any chance of getting in 20.9.0?


The concerned issue is still unresolved and tentatively going to get fixed in upcoming Aspose.PSD for .NET 20.9. We will share updates with you as soon as it will be fixed.

The issues you have found earlier (filed as PSDNET-680) have been fixed in this update.