Force current rotated state to be Rotation.None

Is there a way to rotate pages in a PDF document and then for Aspose to treat this as the non-rotated state (Rotation.None)? I’m wanting to set the rotation of certain pages and then would like my added TextAnnotation and FreeTextAnnotations to be in relation to this rotated state rather than the original state.

Currently I only seem able to achieve this by exporting each page in the rotated PDF to an image (using a PngDevice) and then use Page.AddImage() to add them to a new PDF Document before annotating - which is not only a costly operation but loses the original PDF.




This seems the only workaround to the situation where your requirements can be achieved. However, we will still investigate the feasibility of this feature and let you know about our feedback. Would you kindly share a source and expected output PDF document with us. We will log an investigation ticket in our issue tracking system and share the ID with you.