Formating number and date

Can you please tell more what is happening? Does it remove merge fields completely or just formatting switches? Why those codes are “ours”? Did you insert them using DocumentBuilder or what?

If you are talking about formatting switches stripped and you inserted those merge fields using DocumentBuilder, then probably the switches are in wrong positions. It would help if you insert one field in MS Word with all the switches and see where in the field they are positioned and then use DocumentBuilder to insert the switches in the same order.

Hello Roman, I like the recent changes!!!

I’m using 1.7.8 and I have problems with doing an execute mail merge on a datatable with DECIMAL fields going into a merge field with

# “#,##0” format.

You said somewhere that it had to be a double, but we get data from Oracle and it comes over as DECIMAL in the DataRow.

I get an “invalid cast expression” on that merge field.

Any ideas ?

thanks, big supporting Fan

* Upper and * Lower are supported.