Formula calculating

Web grid version

In the sessionmode = session the re-calculating of the formulas on cell leave works fine.

When I change the sessionmode into viewstate it don't works any more.

Is the any reason for this behaviour?


Do you handle some client side events and which event you are using. Could you show/post us your sample code (preferably simple project) with detail to reproduce the issue(regarding viewstate session mode) you are talking about.

Thank you.

A simple project


Well, I tested the formula calculation is not done (when session is set to viewstate) in data-binding mode although it works fine without data-binding being applied. We will look into it if it can be supported, we will get back to you soon.

Thank you.


Thank you for considering Aspose.

We are working on optimizing GridWeb performance. We will fix your mentioned issue in this optimization. Hopefully, we can complete the optimization task in about one month’s time.

Thank You & Best Regards,