Formula Error When Opening Workbook

Hi, we’re receiving the following error when trying to open the attached workbook:

Specified argument was out of the range of valid values.
at Aspose.Cells.Cell.SetSharedFormula(String sharedFormula, Int32 rowNumber, Int32 columnNumber)

at Aspose.Cells.OpenXML.ᨑ.ᨬ(XmlTextReader ᜛, Int32 ᨭ, Int32 ᨮ)

at Aspose.Cells.OpenXML.ᨑ.ᨫ(XmlTextReader ᜛)

at Aspose.Cells.OpenXML.ᨑ.ᨪ(XmlTextReader ᜛)

at Aspose.Cells.OpenXML.ᨑ.ሓ(XmlTextReader ᜛)

at Aspose.Cells.OpenXML.ឤ.ឨ(Workbook ឩ, Stream ۲)

at Aspose.Cells.Workbook.Open(String fileName, FileFormatType type)

We’re using this version:


The attached file is actually a .xlsx file. We had to change the extension so that we could upload it.


Thanks for providing us the template .xlsx file.

I don't the problem you have mentioned. I tested opening and saving your .xlsx file without any error. Could you try the attached version.

Thank you.