Formula Value

This is going to be hard to explain, but I have a formula in a cell of =SUM(B98:C98) and I'm getting a value of zero.

B98 and C98 both have values greater than zero.

The hard part is I have a lot of styles and celllocks and protection, etc.

I ran a test on a different form where I just populated 2 cells with values and a 3rd cell with a formula and that worked fine.

So, obviously the formulas do work, but for some reason, in my app, it's not...any ideas?

this is Aspose.Grid.Desktop


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Well, I don't find any problem using your formula, Could you create a sample test project, zip it and post it here to show the issue. We will check it soon.

Thank you.

I think the issue is when I'm setting the cell.Value property, my values are strings. Sometimes the value is a number and sometimes it is text.

I'm setting the style on the cell to have a numericformat of 3, but it doesn't help.


Well, the behaviour is same as MS Excel. I think you can convert the types while inserting data to the cells. The following code will work.


Dim sheet As Aspose.Grid.Desktop.Worksheet = Me.ActiveGridDesktop.GetActiveWorksheet()
Dim cells As CellCollection = sheet.Cells
cells("C98").Value = CType("10", Integer)
cells("D98").Value = CType("20", Integer)
cells("E98").Value = "=Sum(C98:D98)"

Thank you.