Free trial doesn't work

Im trying to use the free trial, Im adding the maven dependencies as indicated in Aspose.PDF | Java PDF Document Processing Class Library , I don’t know if there is another step for it to work.


You need to specify Aspose Repository Configuration as described in the installation section of the API documentation.

Thank you, now its working, but now when I try the code it give me an error of “At most 4 elements (for any collection) can be viewed in evaluation mode.”, I assume this is beacuase I don’t have a temporary license. For what I saw I need it to put it in my cart and request it?

oh and also I’m trying to get the temporary license through the cart as said on Temporary License - Purchase - , but nothing happens.


Please create a topic in our Purchase forum for the issue that you are facing while obtaining a temporary license. You will be assisted there accordingly.