French character

I have a problem with one sheet I try to modify with Aspose.Cells.

Aspose.Cells.Workbook w = new Aspose.Cells.Workbook();


Aspose.Cells.Worksheet xlSheet = w.Worksheets[0];

MessageBox.Show("BG8 " + xlSheet.Cells["BG8"].StringValue);

MessageBox.Show("BH8 " + xlSheet.Cells["BH8"].StringValue);

MessageBox.Show("BG13 "+ xlSheet.Cells["BG13"].StringValue);

MessageBox.Show("BH13 "+xlSheet.Cells["BH13"].StringValue);

The cell BH8 is a formula linked to the cell BG8. The value in BG8 is "Général" and Aspose read it correctly but in the cell BH8, it's interpreted as "Giniral".

I have the "same" formula in the cell BH13 (it reference the cell BG13) and everything is ok.

What is the problem?

Thank you

Please try this attached version.