What is the syntax for setting the frequency formula? Documentation for this function says I have to press ctrl-shift-enter to set the formula into a target range of cells to report the results. I tried using the brackets across a range in which I wanted the frequencies to be reported ("{=frequency(...)}") but got an aspose error. I tried setting of these cells individually (one for each bin) FREQUENCY(H2:H11,U5) but Excel is not reporting the correct number. (Maybe doesn't like a single cell for the bin parameter?)

Maybe just an example of how to set this would help.


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You can try the Cells.SetArrayFormula() Method to set the frequency formula. Please see the following sample code to set the formula,

Sample Code:

Workbook excelWorkbook = new Workbook();


excelWorkbook.Worksheets[0].Cells["G2"].SetArrayFormula("=FREQUENCY(A1:A5,B1:B5)", 5, 1);


Thank You & Best Regards,