12 / 17
Apr 2020

We are using Aspose to generate PDF/X-1a documents and a customer of ours states that their print provider reports the following non-conformities:

Example 1:

Preflight Summary Report for: Demo doc BEST.pdf
Profile: Convert to PDF/X-1a (Coated FOGRA39) (Processed pages 1 to 1)
Processed by xxxxx, Date: 24/02/2020 09:44
Results (Summary)
Compressed object streams used
Object uses RGB (32 matches on 1 page) - 1
OutputIntent for PDF/X missing
PDF/X version key (GTS_PDFXVersion) missing
Page does not have TrimBox or ArtBox (1 match on 1 page) - 1
Transparency used (filled object with ca value smaller than 1.0) (1 match on 1 page) - 1
Transparency used (transparency group) (106 matches on 1 page) - 1
Trapped key not true or false
Document information
File name: “Demo doc BEST.pdf”
Path: “C:\Users\xxxx\Desktop”
PDF version number: “1.5”
File size (KB): 38.5
Title: “Layout 1”

Example 2:

Preflight Summary Report for: Demo docPDFX-1A.pdf
Profile: Convert to PDF/X-1a (Coated FOGRA39) (Processed pages 1 to 1)
Processed by xxxxx, Date: 24/02/2020 09:37
Results (Summary)
Compressed object streams used
Object uses RGB (36 matches on 1 page) - 1
OutputIntent for PDF/X missing
PDF/X version key (GTS_PDFXVersion) missing
Page does not have TrimBox or ArtBox (1 match on 1 page) - 1
Transparency used (filled object with ca value smaller than 1.0) (1 match on 1 page) - 1
Transparency used (transparency group) (110 matches on 1 page) - 1
Trapped key not true or false
Document information
File name: “Demo docPDFX-1A.pdf”
Path: “C:\Users\xxxxx\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\INetCache\Content.Outlook\3Z1SWRJT”
PDF version number: “1.5”
File size (KB): 37.5
Title: “Layout 1”
Author: xxxxx
Creator: “Microsoft Office Word”
Producer: “Aspose.Words for Java 18.7”
Created: “21/01/2020 10:37”
Modified: “21/01/2020 10:37”
Subject: “xxx Workflow PDF”
Trapping: “Unknown”
Number of plates: 4
Names of plates: "(Cyan) (Magenta) (Yellow) (Black) "
Preflight, 18.4.0 (236)
Acrobat version: 20.60
Operating system: Microsoft Windows 10 Professional (Build 16299)

Example 3:

Preflight Summary Report for: Demo docPDF-X.pdf
Profile: Convert to PDF/X-1a (Coated FOGRA39) (Processed pages 1 to 1)
Processed by xxxxxx, Date: 24/02/2020 09:45
Results (Summary)
Compressed object streams used
Object uses RGB (36 matches on 1 page) - 1
OutputIntent for PDF/X missing
PDF/X version key (GTS_PDFXVersion) missing
Page does not have TrimBox or ArtBox (1 match on 1 page) - 1
Transparency used (filled object with ca value smaller than 1.0) (1 match on 1 page) - 1
Transparency used (transparency group) (110 matches on 1 page) - 1
Trapped key not true or false
Document information
File name: “Demo docPDF-X.pdf”
Path: “C:\Users\xxxx\Desktop”
PDF version number: “1.5”
File size (KB): 37.5
Title: “Layout 1”
Author: xxxxx
Creator: “Microsoft Office Word”
Producer: “Aspose.Words for Java 18.7”
Created: “21/01/2020 10:37”
Modified: “21/01/2020 10:37”
Subject: “xxx Workflow PDF”
Trapping: “Unknown”
Number of plates: 4
Names of plates: "(Cyan) (Magenta) (Yellow) (Black) "
Preflight, 18.4.0 (236)
Acrobat version: 20.60
Operating system: Microsoft Windows 10 Professional (Build 16299)
Author: xxxxxxx
Creator: “Microsoft Office Word”
Producer: “Aspose.Words for Java 18.7”
Created: “19/12/2019 14:48”
Modified: “11/02/2020 15:06”
Subject: “xxxx Workflow PDF”
Trapping: “Unknown”
Number of plates: 4
Names of plates: "(Cyan) (Magenta) (Yellow) (Black) "
Preflight, 18.4.0 (236)
Acrobat version: 20.60
Operating system: Microsoft Windows 10 Professional (Build 16299)

Please advise whether these are known non-conformities with Aspose or something that can be fixed via configuration.
Many thanks,
Ned Smith


Would you kindly share a sample PDF with us so that we can test the scenario in our environment and address it accordingly.

Hi @asad.ali ,
Here is the template we are using to generate the PDF documents:
DP3.zip (38.7 KB)

Here are the documents showing the non-conformities.

Demo doc BEST.pdf (38.5 KB)
Demo docPDF-X.pdf (37.5 KB)
Demo docPDFX-1A.pdf (37.5 KB)

Here is a scan of the printed version of one of the documents (UAVD5R01.pdf) which shows the impact of the issue:
UAVD5R01.pdf (187.6 KB)
The impact is described like this:

The print out of the PDF had issues with rendering in the blue and grey right hand sidebar. The colouration around the wording had changed so it was a different shade of blue and grey from the rest of the sidebar. This had also impacted the logo at the top of the sidebar

In case it is useful, the issues with the documents can be fixed manually by following these steps:
Use Adobe Acrobat Pro:

  • -Open the file
  • -Go to “Print Production” then “Preflight”
  • -Under “PDF/X” select “Convert to PDF/X-1a (Coated FOGRA39)”
  • -Select “Analyze and fix”
  • -It’ll then prompt you to save the file which will be X-1a
    The option looks like this:
    coated fogra39.jpg (18.1 KB)

And the resulting fixed documents are here:
Demo doc BEST Fixed.pdf (517.0 KB)
Demo docPDF-X Fixed.pdf (516.1 KB)
Demo docPDFX-1A_report Fixed.pdf (517.6 KB)
We’d be interested to know if there is the option in Aspose to generate PDFs with this Coated FOGRA39 option, as this may help us resolve the issue.

Please let us know if this information is sufficent to allow you to investigate the problem.
Many thanks,


Thanks for providing all these details.

We have created an investigation ticket as PDFNET-47767 in our issue tracking system for the sake for detailed investigation. We will further look into these details and keep you posted with the status of ticket resolution. Please be patient and spare us little time.

We are sorry for the inconvenience.

Hi @asad.ali, we are having a meeting with our client tomorrow and wondered how your investigation is progressing. Is there any further information you might need from us to help you?
Thanks, Ned


Since the issue was recently logged in our issue tracking system, we are afraid that it is pending for analysis. However, we will surely let you know about the results against investigation as soon as we have some and definitely request for the information in case we need any. Please spare us some time.


Regretfully there is no update regarding ticket resolution yet. We will surely inform you as soon as we have some certain news in this regard. Please spare us some time.

11 days later


The investigation against earlier logged ticket is still underway and we have not got any results yet to share. We will inform you as soon as some certain updates are available. Please spare us some time.

We are sorry for the inconvenience and delay.

13 days later

Hi @asad.ali,

Please could we have an update on this? It’s now becoming an urgent issue for our client - how could we expedite this? Thanks


Since the issue was logged under free support model, it has low priority and its investigation is still underway due to other high priority issues and implementations. It will surely be resolved on a first come first serve basis. However, you can please check our priority support 1 option where issues are dealt with high precedence and we recommend to post urgent issues there.

We are sorry for the inconvenience.


The ticket has been escalated accordingly and you will soon receive update within the thread that you created in priority support forum.


We have checked the earlier logged ticket and it has been escalated to high priority. You will surely be notified in respective thread over helpdesk platform.

2 months later