German Umlaut + Stamp position problems


i’m working with the last Pdf.Kit version (3.0) and need to put some text stamps on existing pdf documents.

In the most cases all is fine. But with several documents there are a few problems.

First problem is that the position of the stamp is not correct in some documents. Attached you find four documents (Test1.pdf, Test2.pdf are the original files, Test1_s.pdf, Test2_s.pdf are stamped). The position should be 15, 15 (bottom, left) but is 15, -xy?

Second problem has to do with German Umlauts (ä, ö, ü). Due to the fact that none of the integrated fonts (Aspose.Pdf.Kit.FontStyle…) supports German Umlauts i’m binding another font (i.e. “C:\Windows\fonts\ARIALUNI.TTF” or “C:\Windows\fonts\Verdana.ttf”). But as you can see in Test3_s.pdf (Original file is Test3.pdf) opening the file in Acrobat Reader results in an error message like “Could not find font …”. (I don’t know the exact english message because i’m working in a german environment) and instead of the stamp text there are only some dots!?

Following the code used to generate the stamped files.

Dim MyStamp As New Aspose.Pdf.Kit.Stamp()
MyStamp.BindLogo( New FormattedText( “Test mit Umlaut äöü?”, Color.Red, “C:\Windows\fonts\ARIALUNI.TTF”, EncodingType.Cp1252, False, 12 ) )
'MyStamp.BindLogo( New FormattedText( “Test mit Umlaut äöü?”, Color.Red, Aspose.Pdf.Kit.FontStyle.Helvetica, EncodingType.Winansi, False, 12 ) )
MyStamp.Rotation = 0
MyStamp.SetOrigin( 15, 15 )

Dim PdfStamper As New Aspose.Pdf.Kit.PdfFileStamp()
PdfStamper.InputFile = “X:\Folder\Test1.pdf”
PdfStamper.OutputFile = “X:\Folder\Test1_s.pdf”
PdfStamper.AddStamp( MyStamp )

The attached files are only samples showing the errors described above.

Thank you in advance,


I have test this and was able to reproduce the error. I have logged this as PDFKITNET-4634 in our issue tracking system. We will try our best to resolve this as soon as possible.



any news on this? 2 months should be time enough to fix this bug!?

Best Regards,


The first problem have been resolved and the fix will be included in the coming release( which will be published before next weekend, so I'm ready to inform you on that time :-) ).

The second problem is caused by the compatibilities of different PDF versions. And we find that the PDF v1.2 files (using before Adobe Reader 3.0) could not support it well for stamping with TrueType-font. I should say that the problem is hardly to be resolved directly.


Hi Felix,

thank you for yor fast response. So is there any way to retrieve the pdf-version of a specific file? If yes, i 'm able to take some action when stamping “old” files.

I thought Aspose.Pdf.Kit.PdfFileInfo could be used for this but i can’t find any property or method that returns the pdf-version. If the method GetMetaInfo is the right one, which name i must provide to this method?

Best regards,

Hi Stefan,

You will find such a method in our new versions.


Hi Stefan,

New version published, please download and try it.


Hi Felix,

it seems like the position problems are gone away. PdfFileInfo.GetPdfVersion() returns the version so i’m able to insert a workaround for pdf’s prior to v1.3. Find the used code below (perhaps someone come across the same problem).

’ — Check file type
Dim PdfKitFileInfo As New PdfFileInfo( SourcePath )
If Not PdfKitFileInfo.BePdfFile() Then
Throw New PdfException( “The requested file ist not a valid pdf file.” )
End If

’ — Get pdf version.
Dim PdfVersion As Double
Double.TryParse( PdfKitFileInfo.GetPdfVersion().Replace( “.”, “,” ), PdfVersion )
Catch ex As Exception
PdfVersion = 1.0
End Try

’ — Create stamp object
Dim PdfKitStamp As New Aspose.Pdf.Kit.Stamp()
’ — PDFs prior v1.3 cannot contain stamps with Umlauts, so we need
’ — to encode the Umlauts and use an internal font before adding the
’ — stamp to the pdf file.
If PdfVersion < 1.3 Then
PdfKitStamp.BindLogo( New FormattedText( EncodeSpecialChars( Stamp ), Color.Red, Aspose.Pdf.Kit.FontStyle.Helvetica, EncodingType.Winansi, True, 12 ) )
PdfKitStamp.BindLogo( New FormattedText( Stamp, Color.Red, HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath( “~/Resources/Verdana.ttf” ), EncodingType.Winansi, True, 12 ) )
End If

Public Function EncodeSpecialChars( ByVal Text As String ) As String

Dim Result As String
Result = Text
Result = Result.Replace( “ä”, “ae” )
Result = Result.Replace( “ö”, “oe” )
Result = Result.Replace( “ü”, “ue” )
Result = Result.Replace( “ß”, “ss” )
Result = Result.Replace( “Ä”, “Ae” )
Result = Result.Replace( “Ö”, “Oe” )
Result = Result.Replace( “Ü”, “Ue” )

Return Result

End Function

Best Regards,


Thank you for sharing this with us. It is much appreciated.