Get Count of Words Characters Paragraphs & other Stats from MS Office DOCX XLSX PPTX Files using C++ Code | Cells Slides

Hi Aspose team,

Is Aspose Words/Cells/Slides (preferably C++) able to provide document stats such as word count, character count, etc. matching what MS Office shows when opening docx, xlsx, pptx with MS Office?

Best Regards,



Regarding Aspose.Words for C++, please refer to the following properties:

Regarding Aspose.Cells for C++, unlike MS Word’s built in features to count words, characters etc, MS Excel does not provide any such options. Can you please elaborate a bit more what exact features of MS Excel are you interested in i.e. what features of MS Excel can be used to count words and characters in XLSX files etc? We will then provide alternate options.

Regarding Aspose.Slides for C++, we will update you here with the required information soon.