Get Progress of Word document to HTML File Conversion using C# Java Code of Aspose.Words API

Hi @tahir.manzoor ,

We would also like to get progress for converting a Word document to HTML, can you please add us to case WORDSNET-7187 so that we are notified when this feature is supported.

Has there been any update on WORDSNET-7187 priority, we note that progress callbacks have been implemented in Aspose.Pdf (PDFNEWNET-35843), Aspose.Slides (SLIDESNET-34681), Aspose.Cells (CELLSNET-42029).


I am afraid, because of complexity, the implementation of WORDSNET-7187 has been postponed till a later date. There are no estimates available at the moment. Your thread has been linked to WORDSNET-7187 and WORDSNET-20048 (to Get Progress of Word document to HTML File Conversion). We will be sure to inform you via this thread as soon as these issues will be resolved in future. We apologize for your inconvenience.

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