Get "Evaluation only" message when generating mai labels passing tags- but not when passing datareader

When I generate mailing labels passing tags to the execute command, I get this message on top of the mailing labels document…
"Evaluation Only. Created with Aspose.Word. Copyright 2003-2004 Aspose Pty Ltd."
However, when I pass in a datareader, it doesn’t display this message on the top of the document. Any idea how to prevent this from happening?
Here’s the tags code…

Dim arTags() As String = New String(5) {}
Dim arValues() As Object = New Object(5) {}
arTags(0) = ("GroupName")
arValues(0) = _GroupProfile.GroupName
arTags(1) = ("Address")
arValues(1) = _GroupProfile.Address
arTags(2) = ("Address2")
arValues(2) = _GroupProfile.Address2
arTags(3) = ("City")
arValues(3) = _GroupProfile.City & (",")
arTags(4) = ("State")
arValues(4) = _GroupProfile.State
arTags(5) = ("Zip")
arValues(5) = _GroupProfile.Zip
Dim oDoc As Document = New Document(_strTemplatePath & strMailLabelTemplateName)
With oDoc
.MailMerge.RemoveEmptyParagraphs = True
.MailMerge.Execute(arTags, arValues)
.Save(strSavePath, SaveFormat.FormatDocument)
End With
Here's the datareader code...
Dim doc As Document = New Document(_strTemplatePath & strMailLabelTemplateName)
With doc
.MailMerge.RemoveEmptyParagraphs = True
'Mail merge member addresses from DataReader to the document.
.Save(strSavePath, SaveFormat.FormatDocument)
End With

Any help you can provide will be appreciated. Thank you and have a wonderful day! Sofia :slight_smile:

Dear Sofia,
Please make sure:

  1. You set the license before document creation in both cases.
  2. You use the latest version of Aspose.Words (the evaluation string shows you don’t ).

If nothing helps, please feel free to post it here.