Getting Default Style Language independent


I try to get the “Standard” style (the default text style, I think on English based machines called “Normal”), named on my local word “Standard”. My customer is in another country, so he has another Word Language setting. The “Standard” style is therefore named different (e.g “Normal”). So how can I identify this Style independent from hard coded String (“Standard” or “Normal”) ? I think the intern unique name that word is using is called “MsoNormal” but this does not work.

What I want to do is to create a new Style based on it:


Style style = builder.getDocument().getStyles().add(StyleType.PARAGRAPH, "StandardBold");


Regards and Thanks!

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Thanks for your request. I think, StyleIdentifier is just what you need:
Please let us know if you need more information, we are always glad to help you.
Best regards,

That was helpful and very easy. Thank you for the fast support!