Aspose.CAD for .NET documentation & product page discrepancies

Hi @lex.chou,

Looking at the documentation for Aspose.CAD fir .NET:

it notes GLTF/GLB can be exported. But looking at the product page:

These formats aren’t noted (along with others) - can you confirm which page is correct please?

FYI this was moved from this topic:

We have support to read and write GLB/GLTF, the first link in Docs has correct information, we will fix it in Products page also. Thank you for pointing this out.

Great thanks - and can you confirm that any input format can be exported to any output format that supports export? e.g. Input=DWG, Output=IFC, or Input=FBX, Output=IFC etc.


Commonly yes but some conversions are tricky and may contain not all required features, so we encourage you to test the required combinations before the purchase.

Great, thanks for your help

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we are happy to help :slight_smile: