GoogleClient error [400] invalid: Eactly one of non-empty 'rel'- 'label' is required for relation

I am attempting to update a Gmail Contact based on your sample code:

Dim contact As Contact = client.GetContact("")
contact.JobTitle = "Manager IT"
contact.DepartmentName = "Customer Support"
contact.CompanyName = "Updated Company"
contact.Profession = "Changed Job..."

When I run UpdateContact I got this error -

GoogleClient error [400] invalid: Eactly one of non-empty 'rel', 'label' is required for relation

Is there any documents that tell me what 'labels' must have, but if I am using Email.API, would labels be transparent to me?

Many thanks

Hi Kevin,

Thank you for contacting Aspose Support team.

We were able to observe the same issue as reported by you when updating contact using IGmailClient.UpdateContact. The issue only came up when updating contacts for which the required fields aren’t set already. Currently, we cannot point you to any documentation since it needs to be investigated further for the exact root cause. Ideally, the behavior of the API should be transparent for you.

We have logged the issue for further investigation by our product team as EMAILNET-38628. We’ll update you once there is any further information or a fix version available in this regard.

The issues you have found earlier (filed as EMAILNET-38628) have been fixed in this update.

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