Gray Out the whole page

The following sample code is showing Aspose Team about the output pdf file
has grey out for whole page.

File converted = File.createTempFile(“aspdf-”, “.pdf”);
Document doc = new Document(“test.doc”);
doc.getChildNodes(NodeType.COMMENT, true).clear();
File dotdoc = File.createTempFile(“aspdf-”, “.doc”);
try {, SaveFormat.DOC);
doc = new Document(dotdoc.getAbsolutePath());
}finally {
}, saveOptions);

Hi Will,

Thanks for your inquiry. The problem occurs because your Word document has a Gray background color which becomes invisible when viewed in Print Layout View. In Microsoft Word you can turn On/Off this option by following the path below:

Office Button | Options | Advanced | Show Document Content | Show background colors and images in Print Layout view.

I hope, this helps.

Best regards,