Grid not editable


I followed the steps mentioned on your website to add a grid to an ASP.Net 2.0 web page. The site says that when I run it I should be able to select a cell, right click and have the copy/paste/format cell options. The problem I'm facing is that the grid is non-editable. I cannot click anywhere on the grid and the right click option also doesn't work.

The second problem I'm facing is that the grid cannot be resized if the tag has XHTML...for eg

If I change the above to Html and v 4.0 then it works. All my stylesheets are created for xhtml. The editable feature still doesn't work. I tried running this on Windows Server 2003 and Windows Vista.

Any help is appriciated.




In vs 2005, it is recommended to use HTTP website mode. Please read this wiki document:

And if you want to use FILE mode, please reference this thread:

Thank you for considering Aspose.


thanks for your reply. We are using the VS 2005 ASP.Net Web Application project to create our web sites. I understand that the grid works only when created using WebSite with http location but is there a way to make it work using an ASP.Net Web Application. Can I add some setting in the config file to make the grid behave just as it was created using a WebSite? This is extremely critical and important for our application. Also is there any other way to resize the grid keeping the XHTML tag in the DOCTYPE?

Thanks in advance for all your help.



this topic discusses using file system mode in vs 2005.

Currenty, XHTML is not supported.

Thank you.