GridDesktop - custom cell rendering


I’m wondering, if there is a possiblity to provide some custom cell rendering code for GridDesktop winforms control?

I’d like to alter grid appearance without actually modifying sheet (and - based on data that is not preset within sheet itself). Two scenarios:

  • override cell background to provide additional selection/highlighting to be maintained by my application.
  • draw some additional text (kind of additional cell description marker) over actual cell contents.
While first could probaby by handled by careful cell style management (save original cell style, apply background color, revert style when highlight is not neede anymore), second use case doesn't seem to be possible anyhow.




Could you elaborate more on your needs, you may give us screen shots/pics and other details for your requirements. Do you need Preset Style for GridDesktop control as in the case of GridWeb control (e.g So, that we can understand you and log it into out our database as new Feature.

Thank you.