GridWeb, can i open excel files from my desktop/devices?


I appreciate that you answer the following questions for GridWeb en Asp Net:

  • Can i open excel files from my desktop/devices?
  • can I print a complete excel file? not just one sheet
  • Can I read excel files that are in base64?
  • Can i read excel files that are in byte[]?

thanks for your collaboration.


Do you mean on smart devices, well, Aspose.Cells.GridWeb is an Asp.NET based grid control for web scenarios, so how could you use it in those platforms other than .NET. I think to cope with your requirements, you may use Aspose.Cells APIs to convert the Excel spreadsheet to either HTML file format or image files (for different sheets). Now you may open the HTML file into your device’s browser. Or open images (for the sheets) into its image viewer. See the documents for your reference:

Moreover, we have Aspose.Cells for Android via Java API that can be directly used in Android applications (if you are working on Android platforms), see the Docs for your reference:

In case of Aspose.Cells.GridWeb (.NET), see the document for your reference:

Aspose.Cells library also supports printing spreadsheets.

Well, you got to convert your Base64 encoded excel data to some byte array by yourself and then you should be able to write the resulting array to some file or streams first. Aspose.Cells and Aspose.Cells.GridWeb support to read Excel files from file path and streams, so it can then read it.

Yes, supported. In case of Aspose.Cells APIs, see the sample code below:
Sample code:

FileStream fs = File.Open(@"e:\test2\Book1.xlsx", FileMode.Open);
            byte[] buffer = new byte[fs.Length];
            fs.Read(buffer, 0, buffer.Length);
            MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream(buffer);
            LoadOptions loadOptions = new LoadOptions(LoadFormat.Xlsx);
            Workbook workbook = new Workbook(ms, loadOptions);

Hope, this helps a bit.

Thank you for your answers.

  • I was referring to local devices (HD, usb Memory), How read a file from a local device of a client not server?.

  • Can i read excel files that are in byte[]? for GridWeb Control from a client, When parameter isn’t a path but is a bytes array

Kind regards.


  1. Well, we have two independent .NET grid controls, i.e., Aspose.Cells.GridDesktop and Aspose.Cells.GridWeb. The GridDesktop is a desktop based WinForm control used to read/write or update Excel files in its GUI. Aspose.Cells.GridWeb is a web based grid control used to create, manipulate or render Excel spreadsheets in WYSIWYG (visual) manner. Now if your solution/project is desktop or windows based, you will use Aspose.Cells.GridDesktop control. If you need to use grid control in web application (Asp.NET), you will use Aspose.Cells.GridWeb. Both controls support to read/open the file from physical paths (hd, usb, etc.) and streams.
    See the documents for your reference:
    Opening an Excel File|Documentation (GridDesktop)
    Import Microsoft Excel File|Documentation (GridWeb)

  2. Well, you need to read the byte arrays into streams then you may import Excel files into grid matrix using the respective overload version of ImportExcelFile() method.

Hope, this helps a bit.