GridWeb with Named external Link to an another xlsx file


I have an xlsx document display in a gridweb component with an aspx.

In this file I have some external link to range in another file (xlsx) before displaying I want to update cells with formula linked to this other file.

How can I do this ?

Thanks for all help .


Thanks for your posting and considering Aspose.Cells.GridWeb.

Please provide us your sample (two) excel files. These should be simple files. One should have a data and other should have external formula. You can create both of them manually using Microsoft Excel and attach it here. We will load these files and see if GridWeb can handle it or if there is any workaround to solve this issue and update you asap. Thanks for your cooperation.

I attach a zip with the two excel files,

cells in Data.xlsx is referenced in TB_FT_C.1.1.xlsx with Name ‘Data’.

in TB_FT_C.1.1.xlsx we have two kind of formula, ones linked to Alphanumeric value, and ones linked to numeric value

we display TB_FT_C.1.1.xlsx in gridweb. when we change an element in column ‘VALEUR’ and select another cell for validating the alphanumeric value is not updated instead of the numeric value that is updated immediatly. so we submit with the submit button and now all the cell is updated (alphanumeric and numeric value)

In a second time we change some value in Data.xlsx with Excel, we display TB_FT_C.1.1.xlsx but no value is updated automaticly. when we validate some change only the ‘‘old’’ value is display

Expect my explanation is clear, and my english not too bad

thks Jean-William EVEREST

For information.

I need before using the GridWeb1.ImportExcelFile(fs);

to do this, and now all my externalLink is updated

Workbook wb = new Workbook(path);


Thanks for your update and using Aspose.Cells.

Yes, this is a correct way, you will have to update your external links using Aspose.Cells like the code you have given in your last post and then import it inside the GridWeb either through file path or memory stream. It is good to know that you have sorted out this issue. Let us know if you encounter any other issue, we will be glad to look into it and help you asap.