Grouped images

I am using Aspose.Word to create a document by compiling several other documents together. I am doing this using the DocumentBuilder object and importing the required docuemnts. If one of the docuents being imported contains grouped images an error is raised when trying to view the created document in MS Word. MS Word crashes forcing it to close when you attempt to view the page containing the grouped image. MS Word does do a repair of the document which then allows it to be viewed on a second attempt, though this is not very elegant. Is there a fix for this issue?


Please make sure you are using latest version of Aspose.Word. If the problem still persists, pleast attach the original document(s) to the this thread so we can test and fix. Normally group shapes are handled okay. Only group shapes with textboxes have some problems like text being merged into a single textbox.


I am using the latest version of Aspose.Word, it was purchased only a few days ago.

The code I am using to comile the document is:

For Each xmlNode In xmlDoc.DocumentElement.SelectSingleNode(".//FRAGMENTS").ChildNodes
If xmlNode.Attributes.GetNamedItem("Selected").Value.ToUpper = "TRUE" Then
objDocTemp = New Aspose.Word.Document(Server.MapPath("..\" & RelativePath(xmlNode.Attributes.GetNamedItem("File").Value)))
objDocBuilder.Document.InsertAfter(objDocBuilder.Document.ImportNode(objDocTemp.LastChild, True, Aspose.Word.ImportFormatMode.UseDestinationStyles), objDocBuilder.Document.LastChild)

End If

I have also attached 2 of the documents that are creating the issue.


Any progress on this issue?


You have group shapes with textboxes in the documents. This is currently not supported. Please ungroup the shapes and it will work okay. We will support grouped shapes with textboxes in the next few months.


Wondering if this issue is any closer to being resolved?


The handling of grouped images has been improved, the documents with grouped images saved by Aspose.Words do not crash MS Word anymore. But full support of grouped images is not implemented still.


I've installed the latest version and it is still crashing MS Word.


When documents are just opened and saved by Aspose.Words they don't crash MS Word. The crash occurs only for combined document. I have logged this problem to our defect base as issue #1057. We will try to fix it in the next release which will be published in a week or so.

Best regards,

Thanks, i appreciate your efforts.


Was this issue addressed in the latest release?


Sorry, we have found that this issue cannot be fixed without major reworking of our graphics engine. We are going to address it in a few months together with the major update of our graphics handling modules.

Thanks for your patience.

I am happy to inform you that the new graphics engine was implemented in Aspose.Words 4.0. With graphics handling reworked all grouped shapes related issues are now gone.

Best regards,

Excellent news!

Good work!
