Grouping rows by merging values in a column


Am trying to group together rows in a sheet by merging the common column.

So am iterating through the sheet and comparing values with the previous row and merging them if they are same.

But I get an error when I try to merge a row with an already merged row. For ex. if row 2 and row 3 are merged, the next time we iterate it throws an error if row 3 is being merged with row 4.

Is there any way around this?

sample code:

For counter = 1 To sheet.Cells.Rows.Count - 1

Dim value As Integer = sheet.Cells(counter, 0).IntValue

Dim rowCount As Integer = 0

If Not counter = 1 Then

If sheet.Cells(counter - 1, 0).IntValue = value Then

sheet.Cells.Merge(counter - 1, 9, 2, 1)

End If

End If



This message was posted using Page2Forum from Merging / UnMerging Cells in the Worksheet - Aspose.Cells for .NET.


Thanks for reporting your issue.

We will investigate it and let you know as soon as possible.


Any update on this issue?



Please see this code, which I have written to illustrate, how
to merge your row with previous row which has already been merged. To
do this, we will calculate CellArea .

you will run this code, it will create an xls file, in which you will
see, all the consecutive cells which are found to be true have been
merged as single cell. Please see the outMerged.xls attached with this post.

Imports Aspose.Cells

Imports Aspose.Cells.Charts

Imports System.Drawing

Namespace AsposeCellsVbPractice

Public Class Practice

Sub MergingCells()

'Create a workbook

Dim m_workbook = New Workbook

'Access the worksheets

Dim m_worksheet As Worksheet = m_workbook.Worksheets(0)

'cells we want to merge in first column

'all consecutive cells which are true will be merged

'Dim cellsToBeMerged() = { 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 }

Dim cellsToBeMerged() = {False, True, True, True, False, True, True, False, False, True, True, True, True, False, False, False, True, True}

'Column is fixed which is 0

Dim fixedCol As Integer = 0

'Number of rows to process

Dim numOfRowsToProcess As Integer = 18

'Iterate all the rows

For currentRow As Integer = 1 To numOfRowsToProcess - 1

'Check if current row and previous row is to be merged 

If cellsToBeMerged(currentRow) = True And cellsToBeMerged(currentRow - 1) = True Then

'get previous row’s cell

Dim prevCell As Cell = m_worksheet.Cells(currentRow - 1, fixedCol)

'if previous row has not been merged before, we will just merge

'it with current row

If prevCell.IsMerged = False Then

m_worksheet.Cells.Merge(currentRow - 1, fixedCol, 2, 1)


'if previous cell has been merged before, we will now calculate merge area

Dim isFound As Boolean = False

Dim area As CellArea = GetCellArea(m_worksheet.Cells, prevCell)

Dim numRows As Integer = currentRow - area.StartRow + 1

Dim numCols As Integer = fixedCol - area.StartColumn + 1

m_worksheet.Cells.Merge(area.StartRow, area.StartColumn, numRows, numCols)

End If

End If


'save the workbook


End Sub

Function GetCellArea(ByVal m_cells As Cells, ByVal cl As Cell) As CellArea

'empty cell area

Dim area As CellArea = New CellArea

For Each obj As CellArea In m_cells.MergedCells

area = obj

If area.StartRow <= cl.Row And cl.Row <= area.EndRow And _

area.StartColumn <= cl.Column And cl.Column <= area.EndColumn Then

Return area

End If


Return area

End Function

End Class

End Namespace