Header/Footer does not export in output DOCX WORDSJR-257

Has there been any movement on this ticket? This is one of two main features that we are looking for from Aspose Word for Jasper Reports and it will affect almost all of the reports we would export through it.


Yes, the issue WORDSJR-257 was resolved. Please use the latest version of Aspose.Words for JasperReports 21.9.

So i just exported my report using Aspose.Words for JasperReports 21.9. My report is a report book with book parts (subreports) that have content in the header and footer bands. Unfortunately, in the generated docx file the content is all text on the page instead of being rendered in the document header and footer. Am I missing something in the export process to get the content from report header and footer band to render in the docx hearer and footer?


Could you please ZIP and attach the .jrprint file of your report along with problematic and expected output documents here for testing? We will investigate the issue and provide you more information on it.

Here is my jrprint and docx for a jasper report that has headers and footers in the jrxml files but not in the resulting docx file…

jasperreport-sample.zip (32.2 KB)


We have tested the scenario using Aspose.Words for JAsposerRport and JRDocxExporter. We noticed that both exporters generate the same output.

Please make sure that your JRXML file contains the header and footer. If you still face problem, please ZIP and attach your JRXML with dummy data source along with expected output document. We will investigate this issue further and provide you more information on it.


I can confirm that WORDSJR-257 is not yet fixed with the new Aspose version (21.9).

I’ve notices that the “simplebook_noheaderfooter.docx” (after unzipping it) is missing footer1.xml & header1.xml (see aspose-book.png), while in the file “simplepage_ok.docx” they are present (see aspose-page.png). In “simplebook_noheaderfooter.docx” the text is present in the main “document.xml”.

I’ve attached the jasperprint & docx files.

Kind regards,

aspose-page.png (15.8 KB)
aspose-book.png (16.4 KB)
error.zip (52.8 KB)


We have logged this problem in our issue tracking system as WORDSJR-312 . You will be notified via this forum thread once this issue is resolved.

We apologize for your inconvenience.

Try to use

exporter.setParameter(AWExporterParameter.PROCESS_SUBREPORT_HEADER_AS_HEADER, true);
exporter.setParameter(AWExporterParameter.PROCESS_SUBREPORT_FOOTER_AS_FOOTER, true);

In my tests this prarmeters can fix the problem.

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