Help required in running the demo app


I am currently evaluating the produrct for generating the excel files. I am using VS2010. When i am compiling the code i am getting the following error.

Error 3 No overload for method 'Save' takes 4 arguments C:\Users\Punit Tripathi\Desktop\ap\Aspose.Cells.Demos\Workbooks\Security\protecting-worksheet.aspx.cs 48 13 Aspose.Cells.Demos.2010

workbook.Save(HttpContext.Current.Response, "ProtectingWorksheet.xls", ContentDisposition.Attachment, new XlsSaveOptions(SaveFormat.Excel97To2003));

I am using the runtime version: v2.0.50727 is this the correct version if not please let me know from where i can download the latest version.

Thanks in advance,



I think you are using the wrong dll of Aspose.Cells. When you use our product in a a web application, please use the Aspose.Cells.dll from the net2.0 folder in the "/bin" directory. I think you are using the ClientProfile version of Aspose.Cells Assembly. For your information, the dll in net3.5_ClientProfile directory is used only for the console application with Net frame client profile as the target framework of Please check your project, it is possible that your project is referencing this dll. For complete reference, please read the "readme.txt" file in the bin directory.

Let us know if you still have any confusion.

Hi Amjad,

Thanks for the quick response. The demo I have downloaded is from your website. The URL for the same is:

I checked the bin folder : "..\..\Aspose.Cells.Demos\bin" but found no readme.txt file there. There are only 5 files in that folder as of now.

Can you help me in locating the right files.




When you install Aspose.Cells for .NET component using Aspose.Cells.msi installer on a machine, we provide three different dlls in three different folders at your ${installation_Path} folder(s) for Aspose.Cells component, e.g "\Aspose\Aspose.Cells for .NET\Bin\net1.1", "\Aspose\Aspose.Cells for .NET\Bin\net2.0" and "\Aspose\Aspose.Cells for .NET\Bin\net_ClientProfile". The second dll file stored in net2.0 is compiled on .NET Framework 2.0, which will work fine on the .NET Framework versions greater than or equal to 2.0. Moreover, you may use this dll file (Aspose.Cells.dll file in NET2.0 folder) on 32-bit and 64-bit environments to work with the component for winform and web projects. You should also use this file if you are using the component in mono 2.0 applications or working in VS.NET 2010 project whose Target framework is “.NET Framework 4”. Also the readme.txt file there in the \Bin folder.

Thank you.

Thanks for the information. The problem is solved now.