Highlighted Text


I want to highlight some text in a paragraph. We can do this in Powerpoint by adding a textframe, with a background color, behind the text. But seem impossible because i cant see a way to get the coordinates of the specific text in the portion.
What is the optimum way to do this in Aspose?


Dear ser@ph,

Are you sure, you can change the background color of the section of text and not the whole text in MS-PowerPoint? I found, we can only change the background color of the whole text frame and not invidual words or section of text.

Hi Faiz,

No we cant highlight sections of text. What I mentioned was that one trick in Powerpoint is to add another shape, with the color, right behind the section of text, so that i may seem as if it is highlighted.

I guess what i want to know is if we can find the specific position and width of a portion in the slide so that I may be able to create the hightlighting shape at the right place.


It is not an easy task to do with Aspose.Slides, probably impossible. All you can get is the X, Y, width and height of textframe.

The second option is to bolden/underline/italicize the text or change its text color.