Horizontal Bar Chart


Is there a way to plot horizontal bar chart as shown in the attached pic. I tried the java version of the code in this thread, but looks like it plots vertical bar chart.

Aspose Slides for .Net - Horizontal Bar Chart

Please let me know if horizontal bar chart is available in Aspose.Slides library.


Hi Shruti,

I have observed your requirements and like to share that you can add the Bar chart using Aspose.Slides for .NET. I suggest you to please try using the following sample code on your end to serve the purpose. I hope the shared information will be helpful. Please share, if I may help you further in this regard.

public static void AddBarChart()

//Instantiate Presentation class that represents PPTX file//Instantiate Presentation class that represents PPTX file
Presentation pres = new Presentation();

//Access first slide
ISlide sld = pres.Slides[0];

// Add chart with default data
IChart chart = sld.Shapes.AddChart(ChartType.ClusteredBar, 0, 0, 500, 500);

//Setting chart Title
// chart.ChartTitle.TextFrameForOverriding.Text = “Sample Title”;
chart.ChartTitle.AddTextFrameForOverriding(“Sample Title”);
chart.ChartTitle.TextFrameForOverriding.TextFrameFormat.CenterText = NullableBool.True;
chart.ChartTitle.Height = 20;
chart.HasTitle = true;

//Set first series to Show Values
chart.ChartData.Series[0].Labels.DefaultDataLabelFormat.ShowValue = true;

//Setting the index of chart data sheet
int defaultWorksheetIndex = 0;

//Getting the chart data worksheet
IChartDataWorkbook fact = chart.ChartData.ChartDataWorkbook;

//Delete default generated series and categories
int s = chart.ChartData.Series.Count;
s = chart.ChartData.Categories.Count;

//Adding new series
chart.ChartData.Series.Add(fact.GetCell(defaultWorksheetIndex, 0, 1, “Series 1”), chart.Type);

//Adding new categories
chart.ChartData.Categories.Add(fact.GetCell(defaultWorksheetIndex, 1, 0, “XHtml /CSS 1”));
chart.ChartData.Categories.Add(fact.GetCell(defaultWorksheetIndex, 2, 0, “WordPress”));
chart.ChartData.Categories.Add(fact.GetCell(defaultWorksheetIndex, 3, 0, “Illustrator”));

//Take first chart series
IChartSeries series = chart.ChartData.Series[0];

//Now populating series data

IChartDataPoint point=series.DataPoints.AddDataPointForBarSeries(fact.GetCell(defaultWorksheetIndex, 1, 1, 20));
point.Format.Fill.FillType = FillType.Solid;
point.Format.Fill.SolidFillColor.Color = Color.Red;

point=series.DataPoints.AddDataPointForBarSeries(fact.GetCell(defaultWorksheetIndex, 2, 1, 50));
point.Format.Fill.FillType = FillType.Solid;
point.Format.Fill.SolidFillColor.Color = Color.Pink;

series.Labels.IsVisible = true;

point=series.DataPoints.AddDataPointForBarSeries(fact.GetCell(defaultWorksheetIndex, 3, 1, 30));
point.Format.Fill.FillType = FillType.Solid;
point.Format.Fill.SolidFillColor.Color = Color.Green;

series.ParentSeriesGroup.IsColorVaried = true;
series.ParentSeriesGroup.GapWidth = 0;

pres.Save(“D:\Aspose Data\AsposeChart.pptx”, SaveFormat.Pptx);

Many Thanks,

Hi Mudassir,

Thanks for your solution. I modified the code with Java APIs. All requirements are fulfilled except for displaying the label on a bar, as shown in the pic. Please let me know if you know how to achieve this.

Please see my code in Java. Once again, thanks for your help.

void func(){
// Instantiate Presentation class that represents PPTX file//Instantiate
// Presentation class that represents PPTX file
Presentation pres = new Presentation();

// Access first slide
ISlide sld = pres.getSlides().get_Item(0);

// Add chart with default data
IChart chart = sld.getShapes().addChart(ChartType.ClusteredBar, 50, 100, 550, 300);

// Setting chart Title
// chart.ChartTitle.TextFrameForOverriding.Text = “Sample Title”;
chart.getChartTitle().addTextFrameForOverriding("Chart ");
// Set first series to Show Values
// Setting the index of chart data sheet
int defaultWorksheetIndex = 0;

// Getting the chart data work sheet
IChartDataWorkbook fact = chart.getChartData().getChartDataWorkbook();

// Delete default generated series and categories
int s = chart.getChartData().getSeries().size();
s = chart.getChartData().getCategories().size();

// Adding new series
chart.getChartData().getSeries().add(fact.getCell(defaultWorksheetIndex, 0, 1, “Series 1”), chart.getType());

// Adding new categories
chart.getChartData().getCategories().add(fact.getCell(defaultWorksheetIndex, 9, 0, “32.6 TB”));
chart.getChartData().getCategories().add(fact.getCell(defaultWorksheetIndex, 8, 0, “35.5 TB”));

chart.getChartData().getCategories().add(fact.getCell(defaultWorksheetIndex, 7, 0, “41.2 TB”));

chart.getChartData().getCategories().add(fact.getCell(defaultWorksheetIndex, 6, 0, “48.9 TB”));

chart.getChartData().getCategories().add(fact.getCell(defaultWorksheetIndex, 5, 0, “49.0 TB”));

chart.getChartData().getCategories().add(fact.getCell(defaultWorksheetIndex, 4, 0, “49.5 TB”));
chart.getChartData().getCategories().add(fact.getCell(defaultWorksheetIndex, 3, 0, “51.6 TB”));

chart.getChartData().getCategories().add(fact.getCell(defaultWorksheetIndex, 2, 0, “56.3 TB”));

chart.getChartData().getCategories().add(fact.getCell(defaultWorksheetIndex, 1, 0, “59.1 TB”));
// Take first chart series
IChartSeries series = chart.getChartData().getSeries().get_Item(0);

// Now populating series data
series.getDataPoints().addDataPointForBarSeries(fact.getCell(defaultWorksheetIndex, 9, 1, 32.6));

series.getDataPoints().addDataPointForBarSeries(fact.getCell(defaultWorksheetIndex, 8, 1, 35.5));
series.getDataPoints().addDataPointForBarSeries(fact.getCell(defaultWorksheetIndex, 7, 1, 41.2));
series.getDataPoints().addDataPointForBarSeries(fact.getCell(defaultWorksheetIndex, 6, 1, 48.9));
series.getDataPoints().addDataPointForBarSeries(fact.getCell(defaultWorksheetIndex, 5, 1, 49.0));
series.getDataPoints().addDataPointForBarSeries(fact.getCell(defaultWorksheetIndex, 4, 1, 49.5));
series.getDataPoints().addDataPointForBarSeries(fact.getCell(defaultWorksheetIndex, 3, 1, 51.6));
series.getDataPoints().addDataPointForBarSeries(fact.getCell(defaultWorksheetIndex, 2, 1, 56.3));
series.getDataPoints().addDataPointForBarSeries(fact.getCell(defaultWorksheetIndex, 1, 1, 59.1));
// Setting fill color for series
series.getFormat().getFill().getSolidFillColor().setColor(new Color(135, 206, 255));


pres.save(“bar_chart.ppt”, com.aspose.slides.SaveFormat.PPT);


Hi Shruti,

I suggest you to please try using following sample code on your end to serve the purpose. I hope things will work on your end.

series.Labels.DefaultDataLabelFormat.Position = LegendDataLabelPosition.InsideBase;

Best Regards,

Hi Adnan,

This works exactly as per my expectation. Thanks so much for your help and quick response.



One more requirement in chart. I want to display both values/ categories in different locations, as see in the attached pic. Melville-RP, New York are all categories. whereas, 80.3K , 2.4 K are all values of the respective categories.

How can we achieve this?

I tried with this, but displays both category and values inside bars.






Hi Shruti,

I have observed your requirements and request you to please share the requirements in the form of sample presentation and snapshot highlighting requirement. I will observe the requirement on my end to help you further in this regard.

Many Thanks,

Hi Mudassir,

Thanks for getting back to my question. Please find attached a sample ppt with just one slide, this has a bar chart. I am trying to add those text boxes containing category names programmatically.

Here is my code:

currentSlide = pres.getSlides().get_Item(4);

// Add bar chart

IChart brkOutLocsChart = (IChart) findShape("breakout_locations_chart");

int categories = brkOutLocsChart.getChartData().getCategories().size();

float height=brkOutLocsChart.getHeight()/(categories+2);

for(int i=0;i<categories;i++){

IAutoShape ashp = currentSlide.getShapes().addAutoShape(ShapeType.Rectangle, brkOutLocsChart.getX()+70, (float) (brkOutLocsChart.getY()+15+ 1.1 *height *i), brkOutLocsChart.getWidth(), height-1);


ITextFrame txtFrame;

IPortionFormat pf;

FontData fdArial = new FontData("Arial");

IParagraph para;

IPortion portion;

ashp.addTextFrame(" ");

txtFrame = ashp.getTextFrame();

para = txtFrame.getParagraphs().get_Item(0);


portion = para.getPortions().get_Item(0);

portion.setText("Category "+i);

pf = portion.getPortionFormat();









Please help me with this use case. Thanks in advance.


Hi Shruti,

I have observed your requirements and like to share that chart area is rendered dynamically based on chart series and categories data. You can have know access till chart top left corner and bottom right corner. But what is inside chart area is dynamic. You need to figure out your own strategy in this regard by setting different values for autoshape positions and their respective mappings on chart bars. I hope the shared information will be helpful.

Many Thanks,


Thanks for your suggestion. I tried a different way of plotting this graph on MS office Powerpoint. But I am not able to replicate it using Aspose. Please let me know if I am missing anything.

I have set the overlap of every series that has value in any category to 100% in MSO. How do we do that using Aspose. Please find attached my sample chart.


Hi Shruti,

I have tried creating the working sample fulfilling your needs. Please try using following sample code on your end to serve the purpose. I hope this will be helpful. For your kind reference, I have attached the generated presentation as well.

public static void AddBarChart()

//Instantiate Presentation class that represents PPTX file//Instantiate Presentation class that represents PPTX file
Presentation pres = new Presentation();

//Access first slide
ISlide sld = pres.Slides[0];

// Add chart with default data
IChart chart = sld.Shapes.AddChart(ChartType.ClusteredBar, 0, 0, 500, 500);

//Setting chart Title
// chart.ChartTitle.TextFrameForOverriding.Text = “Sample Title”;
chart.ChartTitle.AddTextFrameForOverriding(“Sample Title”);
chart.ChartTitle.TextFrameForOverriding.TextFrameFormat.CenterText = NullableBool.True;
chart.ChartTitle.Height = 20;
chart.HasTitle = true;

//Set first series to Show Values
chart.ChartData.Series[0].Labels.DefaultDataLabelFormat.ShowValue = true;

//Setting the index of chart data sheet
int defaultWorksheetIndex = 0;

//Getting the chart data worksheet
IChartDataWorkbook fact = chart.ChartData.ChartDataWorkbook;

//Delete default generated series and categories
int s = chart.ChartData.Series.Count;
s = chart.ChartData.Categories.Count;

//Adding new series
chart.ChartData.Series.Add(fact.GetCell(defaultWorksheetIndex, 0, 1, “Horse”), chart.Type);
chart.ChartData.Series.Add(fact.GetCell(defaultWorksheetIndex, 0, 2, “Camel”), chart.Type);
chart.ChartData.Series.Add(fact.GetCell(defaultWorksheetIndex, 0, 3, “Cat”), chart.Type);
chart.ChartData.Series.Add(fact.GetCell(defaultWorksheetIndex, 0, 4, “Dog”), chart.Type);
chart.ChartData.Series.Add(fact.GetCell(defaultWorksheetIndex, 0, 5, “Lion”), chart.Type);
chart.ChartData.Series.Add(fact.GetCell(defaultWorksheetIndex, 0, 6, “Tiger”), chart.Type);

//Adding new categories
chart.ChartData.Categories.Add(fact.GetCell(defaultWorksheetIndex, 1, 0, “59.1 GB”));
chart.ChartData.Categories.Add(fact.GetCell(defaultWorksheetIndex, 2, 0, “56.3 GB”));
chart.ChartData.Categories.Add(fact.GetCell(defaultWorksheetIndex, 3, 0, “51.6 GB”));
chart.ChartData.Categories.Add(fact.GetCell(defaultWorksheetIndex, 4, 0, “49.0 GB”));
chart.ChartData.Categories.Add(fact.GetCell(defaultWorksheetIndex, 5, 0, “48.9 GB”));
chart.ChartData.Categories.Add(fact.GetCell(defaultWorksheetIndex, 6, 0, “41.2 GB”));

//Take first chart series
IChartSeries series = chart.ChartData.Series[0];
series.Format.Fill.FillType = FillType.Solid;
series.Format.Fill.SolidFillColor.Color = Color.FromArgb(185, 205, 229);
//Now populating series data
IChartDataPoint point = series.DataPoints.AddDataPointForBarSeries(fact.GetCell(defaultWorksheetIndex, 1, 1, 59.1));
point = series.DataPoints.AddDataPointForBarSeries(fact.GetCell(defaultWorksheetIndex, 1, 2, String.Empty));
point = series.DataPoints.AddDataPointForBarSeries(fact.GetCell(defaultWorksheetIndex, 1, 3, String.Empty));
point = series.DataPoints.AddDataPointForBarSeries(fact.GetCell(defaultWorksheetIndex, 1, 4, String.Empty));
point = series.DataPoints.AddDataPointForBarSeries(fact.GetCell(defaultWorksheetIndex, 1, 5, String.Empty));
point = series.DataPoints.AddDataPointForBarSeries(fact.GetCell(defaultWorksheetIndex, 1, 6, String.Empty));

series.DataPoints[0].Label.DataLabelFormat.ShowSeriesName = true;
series.DataPoints[0].Label.DataLabelFormat.Position = LegendDataLabelPosition.InsideBase;

series = chart.ChartData.Series[1];
series.Format.Fill.FillType = FillType.Solid;
series.Format.Fill.SolidFillColor.Color = Color.FromArgb(185, 205, 229);
//Now populating series data
point = series.DataPoints.AddDataPointForBarSeries(fact.GetCell(defaultWorksheetIndex, 2, 1, String.Empty));
point = series.DataPoints.AddDataPointForBarSeries(fact.GetCell(defaultWorksheetIndex, 2, 2, 56.3));
point = series.DataPoints.AddDataPointForBarSeries(fact.GetCell(defaultWorksheetIndex, 2, 3, String.Empty));
point = series.DataPoints.AddDataPointForBarSeries(fact.GetCell(defaultWorksheetIndex, 2, 4, String.Empty));
point = series.DataPoints.AddDataPointForBarSeries(fact.GetCell(defaultWorksheetIndex, 2, 5, String.Empty));
point = series.DataPoints.AddDataPointForBarSeries(fact.GetCell(defaultWorksheetIndex, 2, 6, String.Empty));
series.Labels.DefaultDataLabelFormat.ShowSeriesName = false;
series.DataPoints[1].Label.DataLabelFormat.ShowSeriesName = true;
series.DataPoints[1].Label.DataLabelFormat.Position = LegendDataLabelPosition.InsideBase;

series = chart.ChartData.Series[2];
series.Format.Fill.FillType = FillType.Solid;
series.Format.Fill.SolidFillColor.Color = Color.FromArgb(185, 205, 229);
//Now populating series data
point = series.DataPoints.AddDataPointForBarSeries(fact.GetCell(defaultWorksheetIndex, 3, 1, String.Empty));
point = series.DataPoints.AddDataPointForBarSeries(fact.GetCell(defaultWorksheetIndex, 3, 2, String.Empty));
point = series.DataPoints.AddDataPointForBarSeries(fact.GetCell(defaultWorksheetIndex, 3, 3, 51.6));
point = series.DataPoints.AddDataPointForBarSeries(fact.GetCell(defaultWorksheetIndex, 3, 4, String.Empty));
point = series.DataPoints.AddDataPointForBarSeries(fact.GetCell(defaultWorksheetIndex, 3, 5, String.Empty));
point = series.DataPoints.AddDataPointForBarSeries(fact.GetCell(defaultWorksheetIndex, 3, 6, String.Empty));
series.Labels.DefaultDataLabelFormat.ShowSeriesName = false;
series.DataPoints[2].Label.DataLabelFormat.ShowSeriesName = true;
series.DataPoints[2].Label.DataLabelFormat.Position = LegendDataLabelPosition.InsideBase;

series = chart.ChartData.Series[3];
series.Format.Fill.FillType = FillType.Solid;
series.Format.Fill.SolidFillColor.Color = Color.FromArgb(185, 205, 229);
//Now populating series data
point = series.DataPoints.AddDataPointForBarSeries(fact.GetCell(defaultWorksheetIndex, 4, 1, String.Empty));
point = series.DataPoints.AddDataPointForBarSeries(fact.GetCell(defaultWorksheetIndex, 4, 2, String.Empty));
point = series.DataPoints.AddDataPointForBarSeries(fact.GetCell(defaultWorksheetIndex, 4, 3, String.Empty));
point = series.DataPoints.AddDataPointForBarSeries(fact.GetCell(defaultWorksheetIndex, 4, 4, 49.0));
point = series.DataPoints.AddDataPointForBarSeries(fact.GetCell(defaultWorksheetIndex, 4, 5, String.Empty));
point = series.DataPoints.AddDataPointForBarSeries(fact.GetCell(defaultWorksheetIndex, 4, 6, String.Empty));
series.Labels.DefaultDataLabelFormat.ShowSeriesName = false;
series.DataPoints[3].Label.DataLabelFormat.ShowSeriesName = true;
series.DataPoints[3].Label.DataLabelFormat.Position = LegendDataLabelPosition.InsideBase;

series = chart.ChartData.Series[4];
series.Format.Fill.FillType = FillType.Solid;
series.Format.Fill.SolidFillColor.Color = Color.FromArgb(185, 205, 229);
//Now populating series data
point = series.DataPoints.AddDataPointForBarSeries(fact.GetCell(defaultWorksheetIndex, 5, 1, String.Empty));
point = series.DataPoints.AddDataPointForBarSeries(fact.GetCell(defaultWorksheetIndex, 5, 2, String.Empty));
point = series.DataPoints.AddDataPointForBarSeries(fact.GetCell(defaultWorksheetIndex, 5, 3, String.Empty));
point = series.DataPoints.AddDataPointForBarSeries(fact.GetCell(defaultWorksheetIndex, 5, 4, String.Empty));
point = series.DataPoints.AddDataPointForBarSeries(fact.GetCell(defaultWorksheetIndex, 5, 5, 48.9));
point = series.DataPoints.AddDataPointForBarSeries(fact.GetCell(defaultWorksheetIndex, 5, 6, String.Empty));
series.Labels.DefaultDataLabelFormat.ShowSeriesName = false;
series.DataPoints[4].Label.DataLabelFormat.ShowSeriesName = true;
series.DataPoints[4].Label.DataLabelFormat.Position = LegendDataLabelPosition.InsideBase;

series = chart.ChartData.Series[5];
series.Format.Fill.FillType = FillType.Solid;
series.Format.Fill.SolidFillColor.Color = Color.FromArgb(185, 205, 229);
//Now populating series data
point = series.DataPoints.AddDataPointForBarSeries(fact.GetCell(defaultWorksheetIndex, 6, 1, String.Empty));
point = series.DataPoints.AddDataPointForBarSeries(fact.GetCell(defaultWorksheetIndex, 6, 2, String.Empty));
point = series.DataPoints.AddDataPointForBarSeries(fact.GetCell(defaultWorksheetIndex, 6, 3, String.Empty));
point = series.DataPoints.AddDataPointForBarSeries(fact.GetCell(defaultWorksheetIndex, 6, 4, String.Empty));
point = series.DataPoints.AddDataPointForBarSeries(fact.GetCell(defaultWorksheetIndex, 6, 5, String.Empty));
point = series.DataPoints.AddDataPointForBarSeries(fact.GetCell(defaultWorksheetIndex, 6, 6, 41.2));
series.Labels.DefaultDataLabelFormat.ShowSeriesName = false;
series.DataPoints[5].Label.DataLabelFormat.ShowSeriesName = true;
series.DataPoints[5].Label.DataLabelFormat.Position = LegendDataLabelPosition.InsideBase;

chart.DisplayBlanksAs = DisplayBlanksAsType.Span;

chart.ChartData.SeriesGroups[0].GapDepth = 10;
chart.ChartData.SeriesGroups[0].GapWidth = 100;
chart.ChartData.SeriesGroups[0].Overlap = 80;

chart.Axes.HorizontalAxis.AxisBetweenCategories = false;

chart.Axes.HorizontalAxis.MajorGridLinesFormat.Line.FillFormat.FillType = FillType.NoFill;
chart.Axes.HorizontalAxis.MinorGridLinesFormat.Line.FillFormat.FillType = FillType.NoFill;

chart.Axes.VerticalAxis.MajorTickMark = TickMarkType.None;
chart.HasLegend = false;

pres.Save(“D:\Aspose Data\AsposeChart.pptx”, SaveFormat.Pptx);

Many Thanks,

Hi Mudassir,

Thanks for the solution. I converted the code to Java version, and guess what, it works exactly as per the requirement. We are really delighted with the product and planning to buy the license in next couple of weeks.

Thanks for the amazing work.


Hi Shruti,

You are always welcome. Please share, if I may help you further in this regard.

Many Thanks,

Hi Mudassir,

I have another question in the same chart mentioned above. We want the labels to be displayed inside the bars with text wrap option set.

I have written these lines to make it work.



series.getDataPoints().get_Item(counter).getLabel().getTextFormat().getTextBlockFormat().setWrapText((byte) 10000000);


But, unfortunately the labels are going out of the bars towards Y-Axis. They overlap with the labels on Y-Axis.

Please let me know what is missing.

Thanks in advance.


Hi Shruti,

Can you please provide the desired output presentation with specified labels positioning. I will assess the requirements on my end to help you further in this regard.

Many Thanks,

Hi Mudassir,

Please find attached the sample PPT. Attached is the screenshot, showing how this chart looks like to me.


Hi Shruti,

I have observed the presentation file shared by you and tried opening that in PowerPoint 2010. I have not been able to observe any issue in opened presentation on my end and labels seem intact. For your kind reference, I suggest you to please visit this snapshot that that I have taken on my end and has no issue in labels. Can you please provide the exact complete PowerPoint version that you are using on your end to reproduce the issue of chart labels.

Many Thanks,


I am still facing this issue in some versions. Please see the version info below, let me know if you are able to reproduce this issue.

Windows 10 - Version 1607, OS BUILD - 14393.187

Office 365 Version - 16.0.7301.1019



Hi Shruti,

I have worked with the presentation file using Aspose.Slides for JAVA 16.8.0 and have been able to reproduce the issue. A ticket with ID SLIDESJAVA-35668 has been created in our issue tracking system to investigate and resolve the issue. This thread has been associated with the ticket so that we may share the notification with you once issue will be fixed.

We are sorry for your inconvenience,

Hi Adnan,

Thanks for the help.