Hot Fixes for Release 1.6

Dear customers,

This is a collection of hot fixes for release 1.6.

Dear Customers,

Hotfix 1.6.1 is released. Please download it.

In this fix, we do the following:

1. Fixed:
Custom color lost issuse.

2. Added:


/// Combines another Excel object.

/// Another Excel object.
/// Currently, only cell data and cell style of the second Excel object can be combined.
public void Combine(Excel secondExcel)

*AutoFilter api support

Sample code:

Worksheet sheet = excel.Worksheets[0];

sheet.AutoFilter.Range = “A1:B1”;

*Named range support
Cells cells = excel.Worksheets[0].Cells;
Range range = cells.CreateRange(1,1,2,2);
range.Name = “Sheet1!Range1”;

Dear Customers,

Hotfix 1.6.2 is released. Please download it.

In this fix, we do the following:
1. Fixed:
AddCopy issue
Formula reference issue

2. Added

*PageSetup API support
Please see the API Reference.

*Excel palette operation api
Please see the API Reference.

*Cell.Type, Cell.DateTimeValue
Please see the API Reference.

*Chart 3D rotation, elevation, depth support
Please see the API Reference.

Dear Customers,

Hotfix 1.6.3 is released. Please download it.

In this fix, we do the following:
1. Fixed
Image stretch issue when set row height or column width
Open file error issue
AddCopy does not copy freezed-pane issue
PageBreak issue
Basic Edition license issue

2. Added

*Chart API enhancement
(1)Can insert gradient on chart area and plot area
Please see the API Reference.

FillFormat fillFormat = chart.ChartArea.Area.FillFormat;
fillFormat.SetOneColorGradient(Color.Blue, 0.2, GradientStyleType.DiagonalDown, 1);

(2)Non-contiguous cells support