How can i add hyperlinks with screentip?

Thanks for your request.

  1. Of course this doesn’t works properly. In regular expressions “?“makes the preceding item optional. So for example the following regex “abc?” matches “ab” or “abc”.
    That’s why I use in my example RegularExpressions.Regex.Escape(”?”).
    Please see the following link to learn more about regular expressions.
  2. Run JoinRunsWithSameFormatting method for a whole document. You can do this directly after opening.
    Best regards.

I am trying to do the same with different approach.Can you tell me is there any method by which I can convert a text to hyperlink without using builder or…? I just have a text string and hyperlink format (same as above hyperlink with bookmark and screentip). Can i convert this text string to hyperlink? is there any way to do so at aspose or using some other approach.


Thanks fro your request. No unfortunately there is no way to achieve this without DocumentBuilder.
Best regards.