How can I extracting an Address from a defined region on the first page and re-insert it?

I need to extract a Name and Address from the first page of a pdf file in a specific region and re-insert it if needed.

For example, if I have the address below within a specific region on the first page of a pdf file I need to extract it, validate it and replace it:

John Q. Public

123 Maple Street

Anywhere, GA 30309

After it is extracted I would want to plug back in the following:



ANYWHERE, GA 30309-3432

Can you assist me. I found ways to extract text, but not from a specific region and I cannot find a way to replace it.


Thank you for considering Aspose.

I am afraid that extraction of text from specified region is not supported in Aspose.Pdf.Kit. You can set the start and end page to extract text from specified pages only. We are sorry but we have no short term plans to support this feature.

If you need more help, please do let us know.


If I can extract an entire page do you have a way from me to re-insert the text back into the document after it has been extracted? Just wondering if I worked really hard at it using your products if you think I could pull it off.

I cannot imagine this has not been a requested feature. I hope you really consider adding the feature at some point. It really would come in handy for a mailing house that needs to prep a document for mailing because it would allow them to extract an address from a specific region and correct it and re-insert the newly formated address back into the document along with a barcode for mailing.

Can you at least add it to a list of requested features even if you do not have any short term plans to support it?

Unfortunatley, I will have to look for other products to pull this off if I cannot do it with Pdf.Kit. Do you have any suggestions? I know there is a product called iText. I really like using Aspose products and hope the above feature can be considered at some point.

Any help that you can provide will greatly be appreciated.


I am not sure of it exactly, but what you can do is that you use ReplaceMethod to replace the string with spaces and then use AddText method to adhere the text on the specified position of the page. Please refer to the following:

Hope it helps.
