How can I know useable fonts (Aspose.PDF JAVA)

I have to know useable fonts

I add the local font path in FontRepository. but application can’t find the font. (Font Not Found Exception)
So, I want to see the font list in FontRepository.
How can I see it?

Here is my code.

(when tomcat started)

(when PDF is generated)

stamp.getTextState().setFont(FontRepository.findFont(“gulim”, true)); => throw exception (but font folder has gulim ttc)

I use the aspose.word too.
that library provide the fonts list (that I can see)

FontSourceBase[] sources = FontSettings.getDefaultInstance().getFontsSources();
for(FontSourceBase base : sources){
List fontList = base.getAvailableFonts();
Iterator iter = fontList.iterator();
PhysicalFontInfo font =;“fontFamilyName : {}”, font.getFontFamilyName());“fullFontName : {}”, font.getFullFontName());“Aspose.Word Font : {}”, font.getFilePath());

But I don’t know How can I see the font list in Aspose.PDF
I need your help.

I found that FontRepository is not global. is it right?

I print the fontPaths (FontRepository.getLocalFontPaths())
when tomcat started -> found the two paths (one is system font path, the other is custom font path)
when pdf is generated -> found one path (only system font path)

If then, whenever I make PDF, should I set the local font paths?? (FontRepository.addLocalFontPath("/home/emro/font/"))

oh! I solved it. I found the setThreadStaticConfigEnabled option.
T.T as expected, read api doc well.

I want to know how to get font list(include font name, font path …)… plz let me know that code… thanks.


Thank you for contacting support.

We are glad to know that the problem has been resolved in your environment. Moreover, you may extract information about the fonts in a PDF with below code snippet. Since those fonts, either as a subset or complete, exist in the PDF document so the font path may not be extracted with Aspose.PDF for Java API.

Document document = new Document(dataDir + "Test_19.2.pdf");
Font fonts[] = document.getFontUtilities().getAllFonts();
for(Font font : fonts)

We hope this will be helpful. Please feel free to contact us if you need any further assistance.