How create a Word Documents with Merge Mail inside


I know how to use merge mail with your api but i don’t know how can i create with your api an empty template with the merge fields ready to be used ?

Can someone help me ?



Thanks for your request.

You can use DocumentBuilder class to be able to create a template from scratch using Aspose.Words programmatically . Please read the article suggested here:

Also, you can insert a merge field in the document using the following code snippet:

Document doc = new Document();
DocumentBuilder builder = new DocumentBuilder(doc);
builder.insertField(@"MERGEFIELD MyFieldName \* MERGEFORMAT");
// Insert a simple Date field into the document.
builder.insertField(@"DATE \* MERGEFORMAT");

Moreover, for a list of supported fields, please see the following link:
I hope, this will help.

Best Regards,

Thanks for you answer but it’s not quite what I need.

With this solution, the merge field is include in the document. I need to insert this merge field in the “INSERT MERGE FIELD” function in Word so I can’t put the merge field availabled humanly where i need them.

See ?

In fact, i need to attach a word blank document and a list of merge field who will be available in Word for this document.

Thanks for your request. You should attach a data source to your document to achieve this. Please see the following thread for more information:
Best regards,

Thanks a lot, i’ll try that !

This code is .Net like, i’ll try to mix it to Java

Ok thanks a lot, it’s working !

When the document is opening, it asking me about the “SELECT * FROM {0}”, I say yes, after, it asking me about the “SELECT * FROM test.txt”, i say yes and after i can use my document.

Questions :
- How can i avoid this ?
- The file datasource, is it mandatory ? How can i inject the merge field in the template without file datasource ?

Here is the Java code for user who will be interested

String dataSource = "D:/test.txt";

Document doc = new Document();
MailMergeSettings mailMergeSettings = new MailMergeSettings();
mailMergeSettings.setQuery(String.format("SELECT * FROM {0}", dataSource));
BufferedReader bufferedReader = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(new File(dataSource)));

String line = bufferedReader.readLine();
StringTokenizer stringTokenizer = new StringTokenizer(line, ",");
int column = 0;
OdsoFieldMapDataCollection odsoFieldMapDataCollection = new OdsoFieldMapDataCollection();
while (stringTokenizer.hasMoreTokens())
    String field = stringTokenizer.nextToken();
    OdsoFieldMapData mapData = new OdsoFieldMapData();
    mapData = new OdsoFieldMapData();
    mapData.setName(field.replaceAll(" ", "_"));
Odso odso = new Odso();


Thank you for sharing your code. Unfortunately, there is no way to embed data source into the document. MS Word does not allow this. Also I did not manage to find a way to reference data source from web. So the only way to achieve this is using two files – template and data source.
Best regards,

Ok thanks.

And can we avoid the warning message of “SELECT * from {0}” when we open the document ?

Thanks for your request. I am not sure this is possible in MS Word. You can try setting this option, but I am not sure it will help:
Best regards,

Thanks but it doesn’t work.

Thank you for additional information. I suspected this. Unfortunately, I do not have anything else to suggest. I suppose this is simply impossible in MS Word.
Best regards,