How do I find out the version of Aspose Words that I am using

Is there a way to find out the version of the software that I am using. How do find out the version of the software with out looking at the Aspose downloads section or the license file.


Thanks for your inquiry. You can determine version of aspose.Word by doing the following.
For .NET: To check version of the library, right click on the dll, select Properties from the context menu, then select Version tab. You will see File version.
For Java: Unzip Aspose.Words.jar, open META-INF\ MANIFEST.MF file in notepad, you will see the following:

Manifest-Version: 1.0
Specification - Title: Aspose.Words for Java
Implementation - Title: Aspose.Words for Java
Specification-Version: 2.7.0
Implementation-Version: 2.7.0
Specification-Vendor: Aspose Pty Ltd
Implementation-Vendor: Aspose Pty Ltd
Copyright: Copyright 2003-2009 Aspose Pty Ltd

Highlighted is version of Aspose.Words.

Hope this helps.
Best regards.


How does one do so programmatically during runtime? I noticed that Aspose.Cells .NET/Java has this functionality using CellsHelper.GetVersion(). What about Aspose.Words .NET/Java?



Thanks for your request. You can check version of the library programmatically. You can easily check version of .NET assembly using Reflection:

// Read assembly
Assembly asm = Assembly.LoadFile(@"C:\Temp\Aspose.Words.dll");
// Read name and version of the assembly.
Console.WriteLine("Assembly name: {0} ", asm.GetName().Name);
Console.WriteLine("Assembly version: {0} ", asm.GetName().Version);

Almost the same technique also works for Java. In Java, you can use java.util.jar.JarFile to read manifest info of jar file:

// Read jar file
java.util.jar.JarFile jar = new java.util.jar.JarFile("/tmp/Aspose.Words.jdk15.jar");
// Get manifest attributes
Map manifestAttributes = jar.getManifest().getMainAttributes();
// Get keys and values of manifest attributes
for (Object key: manifestAttributes.keySet())
    System.out.printf("%s\t\t%s\n", key, manifestAttributes.get(key));

This code returns the following:

Specification - Title Aspose.Words for Java
Implementation - Title Aspose.Words for Java
Specification - Vendor Aspose Pty Ltd
Specification-Version 3.1.1
Manifest-Version 1.0
Implementation-Version 3.1.1
Implementation-Vendor Aspose Pty Ltd
Copyright Copyright 2003-2009 Aspose Pty Ltd

Best regards,