How do I upgrade my word aspose oem subscription

I am getting some errors when generating my word doc , with bookmarks, its giving me a warning, the doc comes out, fine. the warning is a concern. because some environments will not allow any word document that has a warning.


Thanks for your request. I cannot reproduce the problem on my side. I tried open/save the attached document using Aspose.Words and the output document works fine in MS Word. Could you please attach your output document here for testing? Also it would be great if you provide simple code, which will allow me to reproduce the problem on my side.
Best regards.

If blSaveToFile = True Then
    'this sends to the browser or saves to client folder
    docWord.Save(NewCaseFileNameID, SaveFormat.Docx, SaveType.OpenInWord, Response)
    'saves to the client output via the browser
End If

If blnPdf = True Then
    docWord.Save(SaveCaseDir & "Document.Doc2PdfSave " & PDFNewCaseFileNameID)
    docWord.Save(PDFNewCaseFileNameID, SaveFormat.Pdf, SaveType.OpenInBrowser, Response)
End If

above is a sample of my save section

also I looked at my dll version and it says version 6.5
what version is the Aspose.Words.dll up to ?


Thank you for additional information. The problem might occur because you send the document directly to the client browser and for some reason content of your web page is appended to the end of your document files. You can open your output document using notepad. Do you see some HTML at the end of the file?
The solution of this problem is quite simple. You should just add Response.End(); after sending document to the client browser. See the following code:

doc.Save("test.docx", SaveFormat.Docx, SaveType.OpenInApplication, Response);

Hope this helps.
I always use the latest version of Aspose.Words for testing. Currently it is 9.0.0. You can download it from here:
Best regards.