I am evaluating the .Net version of Cells and am trying to use the CellRange class as outlined in the online documentation for .Net. - in section "Formatting a Range of Cells".
My C# project does not recogize CellRange and asks if I have a missing using directive or assembly reference.
CellRange class belongs to Aspose.Cells for GridDesktop.
Since, you are using Aspose.Cells for .NET and not the Aspose.Cells for GridDesktop, so please see how to create a range of all the cells in
your desired worksheet and then apply a style.
Please see the source.xls files, I
have applied a style having background color with a number pattern to
all the cells. Please see the output file and screenshot.
Thanks you. The CreateRange worked fine. You might want to update your online .Net documentation since that led me to believe I should be using CellRange.
I would like to add more for your knowledge. The CellRange is an API of GridDesktop control and not the Aspose.Cells component, please see the root node i.e. Aspose.Cells.GridDesktop. For your information, Aspose.Cells for .NET has the following three products/component:
1) Aspose.Cells - the main library for all kinds of MS Excel file management or manipulation, it includes almost all the features that MS Excel 2003 -2010 support.
2) Aspose.Cells.GridDesktop - a windows based grid control used to load or manipulate Excel files, it provides Excel Grid like UI and you may use it in WYSIWYG (visual) manner.
3) Aspose.Cells.GridWeb - an ASP.NET/web based grid control used to load or manipulate Excel files, it provides Excel Grid like UI and you may use it in WYSIWYG (visual) manner.
Please see the product overview page for Aspose.Cells for .NET: