How put static value ( I mean one unique value) in full row or full column?

I am using Aspose.Cell to dealing with Excel SpreadSheet, and I want to put a single value (any like “value1”) in a full row or full column. I want something like this:
Value1 would insert in full row no 2, without cell , row or column iteration. I mean ,is there a single line function to do it without iteration?


There are some ways to accomplish your task in one go. For example, you may create a range based on your desired cells area (e.g. one whole row or column) and then put one common value to all the cells in that row/column. Another way can be, set a shared formula (to insert a constant string value) to your desired range of cells (for a row/col), etc.

See the sample code to accomplish the task using Range object:
Sample code:

Workbook workbook = new Workbook();
            Worksheet worksheet = workbook.Worksheets[0];
            //Create a range based on whole row
            Range range = worksheet.Cells.CreateRange("A1:XFD1");
            //insert common value.
            range.Value = "value1";
            //Create a range based for column, you may change it accordingly
            range = worksheet.Cells.CreateRange("A1:A1000");
            //insert common value.
            range.Value = "value1";

Hope, this helps a bit.