How to accomplished MoveRight(Cell) and TypeText


I’m converting project from Word Automation to Aspose.Word. In the project, MoveRight(Cell) and TypeText are heavily used to move around the table to insert data.
For example:

Name Quantity Unit Price Total

I will find the tag (+Item+) and replace with the item name. Then i will move to next cell to insert quantity, unit price, total accordingly. If i have another item, i will using the command “MoveRight(Cell)” and it will automatically create a new row appending to that table.

How can i achieve this using Aspose.Word. Any advice is appreciated.

Hi Yew,

Thanks for your inquiry.

You can use DocumentBuilder.MoveToCell method if you need to move the cursor to a table cell in the current section. After moving the cursor to specified Cell, you can insert Document elements there. You can also get a reference to current Cell by using DocumentBuilder.CurrentNode,** iterate through all Cells in current Row and change their DOM properties using the following code:

// Iterate through all cells in the row
foreach(Cell cell in row.Cells)
    int cellIndex = row.Cells.IndexOf(cell);
    // Get the plain text content of this cell.
    string cellText = cell.ToString(SaveFormat.Text).Trim();
    // Print the content of the cell.
    Console.WriteLine("\t\tContents of Cell:{0} = \"{1}\"", cellIndex, cellText);

I hope, this helps.

Best regards,