How to add space between bullet and the text of the bullet

Hi all

I am adding bulleted point using the aspose slides. Now i want to space between the bullet and text in front of the bullet

How can i achieve this?

Thanks in advance

Hi Sumit,

Please try to use BulletOffset property exposed by Paragraph class?


I tried that … but it doesnt work.

Here how i am doing that.

Paragraph pg1;

pg1 = new Paragraph();
pg1.Text = text;
pg1.SpaceAfter = 15;
pg1.BulletOffset = -10;

foreach (Portion por in pg1.Portions)
por.FontHeight = PPTReportHelperClass.FONT_SIZE_10;
por.FontColor = System.Drawing.Color.FromArgb(102, 102, 102);
por.FontBold = false;

Am i doing any mistake?

Paragraph.BulletOffset - offset of a bullet from the left side of a TextFrame.
Paragraph.TextOffset - offset of a text.

So if you need to move bullet you should set BulletOffset, if you need to change text indentation just set TextOffset property. Please check also this thread for code example and generated presentation.