How to add text to pdf with given fontsize,fontname and fontcolor?


How to add text to pdf with given fontsize,fontname and fontcolor?

            Dim Frg = New Global.Aspose.Pdf.Text.TextFragment(AddText)
            Frg.Margin.Left = NPdfTextX.Value / 100 * Pw - Pl
            Frg.Margin.Top = NPdfTextY.Value / 100 * Ph - PT
            Frg.TextState.FontSize = NPdfAddTextSize.Value
                             Frg.TextState.ForegroundColor = Global.Aspose.Pdf.Color.FromRgb(BCmdTextColor.BackColor.R, BCmdTextColor.BackColor.G, BCmdTextColor.BackColor.B)

Frg.TextState.Font = New Global.Aspose.Pdf.Text.Font() 'this show it is readonly so that setting fontname to it is not banned.

How to set fontname to the added text?



Please use following line to set the font:

Frg.TextState.Font = FontRepository.FindFont("Arial")

I have gotten demo from other topic like this code.

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