How to Add the Line Chart to a PowerPoint Presentation Using Aspose.Slides for Java?


Need help in creating a line chart with a cell format similar to that attached PPT using Aspose.Slides for Java API.
Attaching a sample PPT file with the manually created chart. (35.0 KB)

Thanks in Advance

Thank you for contacting support. I am working on the question and will get back to you as soon as possible.

It looks like you need to set $#.## format for the cell values. You can do this by using the IChartDataCell interface like this:

for (IChartSeries chartSeries : series) {
    for (IChartDataPoint dataPoint : chartSeries.getDataPoints()) {
        dataPoint.getValue().getAsCell().setPresetNumberFormat((byte) 7); // $#.##

A post was split to a new topic: Empty Values are Considered as Zeros when Creating Line Chart in Java