Hi! I have a picture frame, and I want to “bring it forward” (the option that PowerPoint gives you).
I haven’t been able to find information about mi issue.
Can somebody help me?
Hi! I have a picture frame, and I want to “bring it forward” (the option that PowerPoint gives you).
Hi Juan,
Thanks for inquiring Aspose.Slides.
I like to share that Aspose.Slides offers to reorder shapes appearances in PowerPoint by using Reorder() method exposed in ISlideCollection class. It accepts the value from 0 to maximum number of shapes inside collection for particular slide. 0 means the shape is to be sent on back of slide and slide total shapes-1 means the shape is to be displayed on top of all.
Please try using the following sample code on your end to serve the purpose.
public static void ReplaceImage()Many Thanks,
String path = “D:\Aspose Data\”;
Presentation pres = new Presentation(path + “CREWTestMikko.pptx”);
Slide slide = (Slide)pres.Slides[1];
IShape shape = slide.Shapes[0];
//Setting pic frame behind
slide.Shapes.Reorder(slide.Shapes.Count-1, shape );
pres.Write(path + “3.pptx”);