How to convert a presentation to PDF/A-1 format?


as I see Aspose.Slides.Export.ISaveOptions object used in Aspose.Slides.IPresentation.Save method has no ability to specify a pdf compliance (like Aspose.Words do, that has Aspose.Words.Saving.PdfCompliance.PdfA1b feature).

Is there any ability to convert a presentation to PDF/A-1 format? May be using an Aspose.Pdf?

Best Regards,

Aleksey Miklin

Hi Aleksey,

I have observed your requirements. I have shared a piece of code this will help you to achieve your requirements.

string path = “F:\Aspose Work\”;

var document = new Presentation(path+“2nd.ppt”);

var saveOptions = new Aspose.Slides.Export.PdfOptions


EmbedFullFonts = true,

EmbedTrueTypeFontsForASCII = true,

SaveMetafilesAsPng = true,

TextCompression = Aspose.Slides.Export.PdfTextCompression.None,

Compliance = Aspose.Slides.Export.PdfCompliance.PdfA1b


document.Save(path+“ApPdfA1b.pdf”, Aspose.Slides.Export.SaveFormat.Pdf, saveOptions);

Best Regards,

Hi Adnan,

thanks for the sample code - it works as needed!

Please clarify the parameters for Export.PdfOptions - is it needed to set 4 extra properties (except Compliance - it is obviously needed) as you do in your sample? What if they are not set - will be the result pdf true PdfA1b?

Best Regards,

Aleksey Miklin.

Hi Aleksey,

I have observed your comments. I like to inform that these lines of code not obviously needed. You can remove those lines.

Best Regards,


With the latest version of Aspose.Slides for .NET 20.4, you can now have PDF/A-1a compliance support available in API for exporting to PDF. Please read the possible compliance options from this API reference guide link. The following article suggest how to set compliance in PDF.

Exporting to PDF with options