Is there an example of a multi column bar chart ( Or any barchart ) using ReportingEngine and Linq?
(Code and word template).
I have looked at the documentation and all the images on your website are missing from the examples Using Charts to Represent Sequential Data|Aspose.Words for Java
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Following code example shows how to create multi column bar chart using LINQ Reporting.
Please check the attached template document. Hope this helps you.
ChartTemplate.zip (20.1 KB)
List<PointData> data = new List<PointData>()
new PointData { Time = "12:00:00 AM", Flow = 10, Rainfall = 2 },
new PointData { Time = "01:00:00 AM", Flow = 15, Rainfall = 4 },
new PointData { Time = "02:00:00 AM", Flow = 23, Rainfall = 7 }
List<string> seriesNames = new List<string>
Document doc = new Document("ChartTemplate.docx");
ReportingEngine engine = new ReportingEngine();
engine.BuildReport(doc, new object[] { data, seriesNames }, new string[] { "data", "seriesNames" });
doc.Save( "Out.docx");
public class PointData
public string Time { get; set; }
public int Flow { get; set; }
public int Rainfall { get; set; }