I have a ppt chart template with chart (pie chart but display only semi circle to form gauge) with 2 custom shapes as mentioned below and highlighted in red arrow,
1. angle (grouped the circle shape and triangle)
2. Angle point to indicate 0 to 180).
I able to update the data points of the chart through JAVA but unable to get the overlay shapes of the angle and text box.
how to get that overlay shape to rotate the shape (angle) based on degree and update the angle degree in that text box?
image.png (17.0 KB)
Thank you for posting the question.
To rotate an overlay shape on the chart, please try using the setRotation
method from the IShape interface. If this does not help you, please share a presentation file with the sample chart. We will then help you to achieve your goal.
Hello @andrey.potapov , Please refer to the attached PPT in the image format.
I’m unable to get the shape of the angle to rotate as it overlay within the Chart.
2025-03-07 21_45_31-COMPASS-GaugeChart.pptx - PowerPoint.png (10.4 KB)
Thank you for the picture of the shape. Unfortunately, I can’t help you with just this picture. Please zip the presentation file and upload an archive here.
Hello @andrey.potapov,
Please refer to the attached zip file.
GaugeChart.zip (38.1 KB)
Thank you for the sample PowerPoint presentation. I need some time to answer your question. I will get back to you soon.
I was able to update text in the text box as below
var textBox = (IAutoShape)chart.getUserShapes().getShapes().get_Item(2);
but I was unable to rotate the arrow shape.
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