How to get buit in propertie of powerpoint file

I want to get buitin property of the powerpoint file from aspose slide component can any one say how can i get that like lines, words charater etc.

I am afraid; I could not understand your requirement. Please clarify.

FYI : you can read the custom document properties of ppt file through Aspose.Slides using Presntation.CustomDocumentProperties property.

i want to tell that i want to get word count of preseantion which is in the property of the preseantion.
you can get it in ms powerpoint File manu -> propertie -> statics i wnat to get that

and if you have msn then i tell you online

No, there is no direct way to get these statistics probably PowerPoint does not store them and calculates them at runtime, however you can use Aspose.Slides to calculate these statistics.

so can u tell me the way how can i get that things

i m using following way to get string and then word count from the file but not get true word count
so please say me how i get word count of presentation i m attaching file with this for word count which has 321 words.
Dim srcPres As New Presentation(file)
Dim totalWords As Integer = 0
For Each srcSld As Slide In srcPres.Slides
For Each shp As Shape In srcSld.Shapes

If shp.Placeholder IsNot Nothing Then

If TypeOf shp.Placeholder Is TextHolder Then

Dim thld As TextHolder = TryCast(shp.Placeholder, TextHolder)

Dim thldText As String = thld.Text.Replace("" & Chr(10) & “”, " “).Replace(”" & Chr(13) & “”, " “).Replace(”" & Chr(11) & “”, " “)

Dim splitParam As Char() = New Char(0) {” “c}

Dim wordsInThisTextHolder As Integer = thldText.Split(splitParam, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries).Length

totalWords += wordsInThisTextHolder

Continue For
End If
End If
If shp.TextFrame IsNot Nothing Then

Dim tfText As String = shp.TextFrame.Text.Replace(”" & Chr(10) & “”, " “).Replace(”" & Chr(13) & “”, " “).Replace(”" & Chr(11) & “”, " “)

Dim splitParam As Char() = New Char(0) {” "c}

Dim wordsInThisTextFrame As Integer = tfText.Split(splitParam, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries).Length

totalWords += wordsInThisTextFrame
End If
Return (totalWords)

and please give your msn id so i can interact with you online

You can contact me online using Live Support and chat me there. Let me check, why word count is not right.

The code, I gave to you earlier and was in C#, works perfectly fine and gives exact word count as shown by statistics dialog box.

For your ease, I have converted into VB.NET.

You can also get the code in a text file attached by me.

Private Sub CountWords()
    Dim strPath As String = "D:\downloads\"
    Dim srcPres As Presentation = New Presentation(strPath & "ressources_obligatoires.ppt")
    Dim totalWords As Integer = 0

    For i As Integer = 1 To srcPres.Slides.LastSlidePosition
        Dim srcSld As Slide = srcPres.GetSlideByPosition(i)
        For Each shp As Shape In srcSld.Shapes
            If Not shp.Placeholder Is Nothing Then
                If TypeOf shp.Placeholder Is TextHolder Then
                    Dim thld As TextHolder = shp.Placeholder
                    Dim thldText As String = thld.Text.Replace(vbCr, " ").Replace(vbLf, " ").Replace(vbVerticalTab, " ")

                    'Split the text on the basis of spaces
                    Dim splitParams() As Char = {" "c}
                    Dim wordsInThisTextHolder As Integer = thldText.Split(splitParams, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries).Length

                    'add the total words
                    totalWords += wordsInThisTextHolder

                    'continue, skip the next code and move to next iteration
                    Continue For
                End If 'inner if
            End If 'Outer if

            If Not shp.TextFrame Is Nothing Then
                Dim tf As TextFrame = shp.TextFrame
                Dim tfText As String = tf.Text.Replace(vbCr, " ").Replace(vbLf, " ").Replace(vbVerticalTab, " ")

                'Split the text on the basis of spaces
                Dim splitParams() As Char = {" "c}
                Dim wordsInThisTextFrame As Integer = tfText.Split(splitParams, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries).Length

                'add the total words
                totalWords += wordsInThisTextFrame
            End If 'Sibling if
        Next 'For each
    Next 'For

    Console.WriteLine("Words Count :" & totalWords)
End Sub

ok i get true value now thanks for your help

I m getting worng word count with slide contain table i m using following coding
Dim lic As Aspose.Slides.License = New Aspose.Slides.License
lic.SetLicense(HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath(“bin”).ToString + “\” + “Aspose.Custom.lic”)
Dim srcPres As New Presentation(file)
Dim totalWords As Integer = 0

For i As Integer = 1 To srcPres.Slides.LastSlidePosition

Dim srcSld As Slide = srcPres.GetSlideByPosition(i)

For Each shp As Shape In srcSld.Shapes

If Not shp.Placeholder Is Nothing Then

If TypeOf shp.Placeholder Is TextHolder Then

Dim thld As TextHolder = shp.Placeholder

Dim thldText As String = thld.Text.Replace(vbCr, " ").Replace(vbLf, " ").Replace(vbVerticalTab, " “)

'Split the text on the basis of spaces

Dim splitParams() As Char = {” "c}

Dim wordsInThisTextHolder As Integer = thldText.Split(splitParams, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries).Length

'add the total words

totalWords += wordsInThisTextHolder

'continue, skip the next code and move to next iteration

Continue For

End If 'inner if

End If 'Outer if

'add ashish 24-10
If TypeOf shp Is Aspose.Slides.Table Then
Dim dt As Aspose.Slides.Table = shp

For Each tShape As Aspose.Slides.Shape In dt.Shapes
If tShape.TextFrame IsNot Nothing Then
Dim tfText As String = tShape.TextFrame.Text.Replace(vbCr, " ").Replace(vbLf, " ").Replace(vbVerticalTab, " “)
Dim splitParams() As Char = {” "c}

Dim wordsInThisTextFrame As Integer = tfText.Split(splitParams, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries).Length

totalWords += wordsInThisTextFrame
End If
Continue For
End If
’ and edit ashish
If Not shp.TextFrame Is Nothing Then

Dim tf As TextFrame = shp.TextFrame

Dim tfText As String = tf.Text.Replace(vbCr, " ").Replace(vbLf, " ").Replace(vbVerticalTab, " “)

'Split the text on the basis of spaces

Dim splitParams() As Char = {” "c}

Dim wordsInThisTextFrame As Integer = tfText.Split(splitParams, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries).Length

'add the total words

totalWords += wordsInThisTextFrame

End If 'Sibling if

Next 'For each

Next 'For
Return (totalWords)
but then also i get worng word count can u say me why or say me techinque to get that

In my code, words inside the cells of the table were not handled. So, add a check, if shape is table, then count the number of words inside the textframe of each cell and add them in total words.

I have already shown you how to count words in a TextFrame.

So now your job is to apply the same code on Table.GetCell(col, row).TextFrame

hi this is not error skil please say me your msn id so i can talk with you online i have id of tymen but it is not online

I am online, you can now talk to me using Live Support.

i get worng word count through following code i attach files in which i get that can u please tell me why i get wrong word count and please tell me fast because i have give demo application

Dim lic As Aspose.Slides.License = New Aspose.Slides.License
lic.SetLicense(HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath(“bin”).ToString + “\” + “Aspose.Custom.lic”)
Dim srcPres As New Presentation(file)
Dim totalWords As Integer = 0

For i As Integer = 1 To srcPres.Slides.LastSlidePosition

Dim srcSld As Slide = srcPres.GetSlideByPosition(i)

For Each shp As Shape In srcSld.Shapes

If Not shp.Placeholder Is Nothing Then

If TypeOf shp.Placeholder Is TextHolder Then

Dim thld As TextHolder = shp.Placeholder

Dim thldText As String = thld.Text.Replace(vbCr, " ").Replace(vbLf, " ").Replace(vbVerticalTab, " “)

'Split the text on the basis of spaces

Dim splitParams() As Char = {” "c}

Dim wordsInThisTextHolder As Integer = thldText.Split(splitParams, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries).Length

'add the total words

totalWords += wordsInThisTextHolder

'continue, skip the next code and move to next iteration

Continue For

End If 'inner if

End If 'Outer if

'add ashish 24-10
If TypeOf shp Is Aspose.Slides.Table Then
Dim dt As Aspose.Slides.Table = shp

For Each tShape As Aspose.Slides.Shape In dt.Shapes
If tShape.TextFrame IsNot Nothing Then
Dim tfText As String = tShape.TextFrame.Text.Replace(vbCr, " ").Replace(vbLf, " ").Replace(vbVerticalTab, " “)
Dim splitParams() As Char = {” "c}

Dim wordsInThisTextFrame As Integer = tfText.Split(splitParams, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries).Length

totalWords += wordsInThisTextFrame
End If
Continue For
End If
’ and edit ashish
If Not shp.TextFrame Is Nothing Then

Dim tf As TextFrame = shp.TextFrame

Dim tfText As String = tf.Text.Replace(vbCr, " ").Replace(vbLf, " ").Replace(vbVerticalTab, " “)

'Split the text on the basis of spaces

Dim splitParams() As Char = {” "c}

Dim wordsInThisTextFrame As Integer = tfText.Split(splitParams, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries).Length

'add the total words

totalWords += wordsInThisTextFrame

End If 'Sibling if

Next 'For each

Next 'For
Return (totalWords)

Hello Akshar,

I’m afraid technical support doesn’t include writing applications for customers.
Aspose.Slides gives you access to any text in a presentation. Shakeel wrote good example for you.
API reference and programmer’s guide also available. So that is your own task to find how to
calculate number of words in a text.

i m not saying about to give me total code for the application i m just saying that how to get text from the textframe which is in the image. and if you have msn id then please give me. that so we can chat online

That is not possible to read text from images and MS PowerPoint also doesn’t allow it.

Hello Akshar,

All the text that PowerPoint considers in word count can be found in Aspose.Slides.Paragraphs collection.

So you need to check every Aspose.Slides object or property that contains a paragraphs collection.





Click the Live Support button on the top of this website and select Aspose.Slides to start chat with me.