How to get styling details of a word in a shape?


Can you please help I want to fetch the styling property of a word within the shape is it possible to do that in Aspose slide java?

Below zip contains a presentation file for investigation. In that file I have to get styling details of “[dynamic]” word, details like font family, font size, color, bold, italic, etc. (23.2 KB)

I am using Aspose slide java version 20.4.

Thanks & Regards,
Saquib Shaikh.


Please try using following sample code to serve the purpose.

public static void FetchTextProps()
    String TextToFind="[dynamic]";
    String path="C:\\Users\\mudas\\Downloads\\assets\\";
    Presentation pres=new Presentation (path+"dynamicText.pptx");
    for(ISlide slide: pres.getSlides())
        for(IShape shape:slide.getShapes())
            if(shape instanceof IAutoShape)
                IAutoShape ashp=(IAutoShape)shape;
                    for(IParagraph para: ashp.getTextFrame().getParagraphs())
                        for(IPortion portion:para.getPortions())
                                System.out.println("Text Found: "+portion.getText());
                                IPortionFormat format=portion.getPortionFormat();
                                System.out.println("Text Bold: "+format.getFontBold());
                                System.out.println("Text Italic: "+format.getFontItalic());
                                System.out.println("Text Font: "+format.getLatinFont().getFontName());
                                System.out.println("Text Color: "+format.getFillFormat().getSolidFillColor().getColor());


Hi, Thank you so much for the code snippet. I have worked with it but I have to inform you that it was not worked as per the expectation.

In given presentation file there are 6 shapes each of having “[dynamic]” word in a sentence but this code has only read a shape which is having only [dynamic] word.

I want to read each shape [dynamic] word styling from the sentence.

Saquib Shaikh


Please try using following sample code on your end. There was text distribution issue in portion of text inside presentation.

public static void FetchTextProps()
    int i=1;
    String TextToFind="[dynamic]";
    String path="C:\\Users\\mudas\\Downloads\\assets\\";
    Presentation pres=new Presentation (path+"dynamicText.pptx");
    for(ISlide slide: pres.getSlides())
        for(IShape shape:slide.getShapes())
            if(shape instanceof IAutoShape)
                IAutoShape ashp=(IAutoShape)shape;
                    for(IParagraph para: ashp.getTextFrame().getParagraphs())
                        for(IPortion portion:para.getPortions())
                            //System.out.println("Portion Text: "+portion.getText());

                                System.out.println("Text Found: "+portion.getText());
                                System.out.println("Instance  "+i);
                                IPortionFormat format=portion.getPortionFormat();
                                System.out.println("Text Bold: "+format.getFontBold());
                                System.out.println("Text Italic: "+format.getFontItalic());
                                //System.out.println("Text Font: "+format.getLatinFont().getFontName());
                                System.out.println("Text Color: "+format.getFillFormat().getSolidFillColor().getColor());
