Retrieve available categories from PST:
using (var pst = PersonalStorage.FromFile("mailbox.pst"))
var categories = pst.GetCategories();
foreach(var category in categories)
Matching a category name with its color:
using (var pst = PersonalStorage.FromFile("mailbox.pst"))
// Get all categories from the PST
var availableCategories = pst.GetCategories();
// Extract a message from the PST and retrieve the list of category names for the message
var messageCategoryList = FollowUpManager.GetCategories(pst.ExtractMessage(messageInfo));
// Iterate through each category in the message and match it with the PST category list
foreach (var messageCategory in messageCategoryList)
var category = availableCategories.Find(c => c.Name.Equals(messageCategory, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase));
if (category != null)
// Print the category name and its associated color
Console.WriteLine($"Category: {messageCategory}, Color: Not found");
And Java examples.
Retrieve available categories fronm PST:
try (PersonalStorage pst = PersonalStorage.fromFile("mailbox.pst")) {
List<PstItemCategory> categories = pst.getCategories();
for (PstItemCategory category : categories) {
Matching a category name with its color:
try (PersonalStorage pst = PersonalStorage.fromFile("mailbox.pst")) {
// Get all categories from the PST
List<PstItemCategory> availableCategories = pst.getCategories();
// Extract a message from the PST and retrieve the list of category names for the message
Iterable<?> messageCategoryList = FollowUpManager.getCategories(pst.extractMessage(messageInfo));
// Iterate through each category in the message and match it with the PST category list
for (Object messageCategory : messageCategoryList) {
PstItemCategory category = null;
for (PstItemCategory c : availableCategories) {
if (c.getName().equalsIgnoreCase(messageCategory.toString())) {
category = c;
if (category != null) {
// Print the category name and its associated color
} else {
System.out.println("Category: " + messageCategory + ", Color: Not found");
Hii @margarita.samodurova the function which you shared pst.getCategories(); is always returning an empty array though the PST contains the categories inside it any idea how to resolve it?
I tried for the below pst file. (656.0 KB)
Hello @MaazHussain,
The PST you provided doesn’t contain any categories. Additionally, there are no messages in this PST that have assigned categories.
Please note that you can retrieve the category-color mapping table only if the PST was created by Outlook and contains at least one item with an assigned category.
For PST files created using Aspose.Email, the category-color mapping table is not available, although you can still add items with assigned categories. This limitation exists due to the lack of a publicly available specification for implementing such a table.
EMAILJAVA-35352 ---- Status : Resolved
@sergey.vivsiuk / @margarita.samodurova The status is shown as resolved can you let us know in which version we can find it?
This will be available in version 25.3, expected to be released early next month.
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