How to get values of enums if using interop

I'm creating a desktop Windows program using C++ Builder 2009. I am using interop. I was wondering if there is any way to get the values of some of the constants you use? Is there a header file somewhere I could include?

I can see from your help that BreakType.SectionBreakNewPage = 1, but I really hate to hard-code that kind of thing. Any suggestions?

Here's my snippet:

// Open an existing document.
m_vDoc = m_vHelper.OleFunction("Open", docName);

// Use DocumentBuilder object to manipulate existing doc.
m_vBuilder = Variant::CreateObject("Aspose.Words.DocumentBuilder");
m_vBuilder.OlePropertySet("Document", m_vDoc);


if (newPage) {
// Note that per help, BreakType.SectionBreakNewPage = 1
m_vBuilder.OleProcedure("InsertBreak", 1);

Hi Mary,

A handy list of enums can be found here. It may be a bit out of date but most values should be correct

If this does not suffice then I can suggest that you create a helper class in .NET first that can be used using interop. For example your helper class can take a string input of the full name of an enum and then use reflection to return the integer value of that enumeration.

If you need any help setting this up we will be glad to help.
