How to handle AutoShape.AutoShapePath instead of getting AutoShape

how to handle AutoShape.AutoShapePath instead of getting AutoShape

AutoShape autoShape = (AutoShape)com.aspose.slides.Shape shape; com.aspose.slides.Collections.ArrayList pathList = ((AutoShape)shape).getPaths(); for(int j = 0; j < size; j++) { GeneralPath genPath = ((ShapeElement)pathList.get_Item(j)).getGraphicsPath(); }

and it returns Exception: java.lang.ClassCastException: com.aspose.slides.AutoShape$AutoShapePath cannot be cast to com.aspose.slides.ShapeElement

This message was posted using Email2Forum by Tahir Manzoor.

Hi Vijay,

Thanks for inquiring Aspose.Slides.

I have tried to understand the requirements shared by you but unfortunately have not been able to completely understand them. Can you please share the details of your requirement in the form of sample presentation, snapshot and sample application code. I will try my best to help you further in this regard.

Many Thanks,